Wyo Task Force - Nonres Comments!


Active Member
Oct 15, 2011
Casper Wy
Did I think it was fair that Colorado made every NR front the whole license fee for points then one year decide to all most give them away... How about the qualify license purchase or any other thing Colorado has done over the years to NR... Colorado will be next to cut NR tags and elk one day will be LQ... I no jimms will be here shortly to tall me Colorado is more fair with tags then any other state that is true today but those days are coming to a end here shortly... Colorado should be taken better care of it Residents plain and simple. And when that day comes how many residents of Colorado will be fighting for us NR? Ill tell U none including U jimms.... Stop all the squalling be happy U night get %10...


Mar 28, 2016
Gypsum, Co
One thing about Colorado is that you can still show up and purchase a OTC elk tag while you are building points for a quality unit.

All DWR's are having growing pains trying to figure out how to get the most money out of non residents and residents alike.


Veteran member
Mar 27, 2014
Woodland Park, Colorado
Did I think it was fair that Colorado made every NR front the whole license fee for points then one year decide to all most give them away... How about the qualify license purchase or any other thing Colorado has done over the years to NR... Colorado will be next to cut NR tags and elk one day will be LQ... I no jimms will be here shortly to tall me Colorado is more fair with tags then any other state that is true today but those days are coming to a end here shortly... Colorado should be taken better care of it Residents plain and simple. And when that day comes how many residents of Colorado will be fighting for us NR? Ill tell U none including U jimms.... Stop all the squalling be happy U night get %10...
Better check your facts.
- Colorado made EVERYONE front the whole license fee, not just NR ... so it was very equitable actually. Also, after a year CO DOW decided to stop that policy because enough NR's didn't like it. Does Wyoming plan to re-evaluate their 90-10 policy after a year and stop it if NR's don't like it?
- The Qualifying License purchase also applies to EVERYONE, just NR ... very equitable again.
- You claim "Colorado will be next to cut NR tags and elk one day will be LQ." There are no plans for that. That is conjecture, not fact. You won't convince anyone while using fantasy in place of facts.
- You claim "Colorado is more fair with tags then any other state" True!! But then you continue with "that is true today but those days are coming to a end here shortly". Once again, that is conjecture, not fact.
So basically you're using incorrect and imaginary info to try and convince everyone what WY is doing is fair.
No deal.


Active Member
Dec 10, 2013
Evergreen, Colorado
I agree each state should manage its own wildlife and the residents should be taken care of ahead of NR. I’m far into the point game in many states and it sucks when rules change but if it’s for more tags and quality opportunity then I agree with it.

In the case of CO, it has managed for money and that’s why it’s so overcrowded in every season. OTC should have been eliminated a long time ago. CO has managed for money and not for the residents. I would be all for limited quota on all species and 95-5 tag allocation. Residents should get priority not money to G&F. Wyoming manages their wildlife very well in my opinion.

ore hunter

Very Active Member
Jul 25, 2014
buzz will always have some sort of b s answer to why he deserves to get more tags,,,aragance,and not caring about fairness is at the top of his agenda,,you are a real piece of work buzz..is that fair for the guy that has spent 20 years and $2000 dollars building points for a moose tag??if there is reduced game ,we all get less tags,,but feel the ratio should not be changed midstream for those with many years and dollars invested.


Active Member
Oct 15, 2011
Casper Wy
One thing about Colorado is that you can still show up and purchase a OTC elk tag while you are building points for a quality unit.

All DWR's are having growing pains trying to figure out how to get the most money out of non residents and residents alike.
At this point in time U still can bye a OTC elk tag but its just a matter of time before Colorado has to do sum thing weather its LQ or place a Cap on the OTC tags...Wasnt there talk this year or last that Colorado was going to cut NR tags? I didnt see pages and pages on all the hunting forums the screaming calling out Colorado residents for being selfish and whatever else we have been called... Ur right every DWRs is going through growing pains trying to manage its wildlife and its revenue but every state should take care of its residents first and NR get what ever the state deems fair weather its 90/10 qualifying license or what ever it is...


Active Member
Oct 15, 2011
Casper Wy
I agree each state should manage its own wildlife and the residents should be taken care of ahead of NR. I’m far into the point game in many states and it sucks when rules change but if it’s for more tags and quality opportunity then I agree with it.

In the case of CO, it has managed for money and that’s why it’s so overcrowded in every season. OTC should have been eliminated a long time ago. CO has managed for money and not for the residents. I would be all for limited quota on all species and 95-5 tag allocation. Residents should get priority not money to G&F. Wyoming manages their wildlife very well in my opinion.
U hit the nail on the head
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Active Member
Oct 15, 2011
Casper Wy
Better check your facts.
- Colorado made EVERYONE front the whole license fee, not just NR ... so it was very equitable actually. Also, after a year CO DOW decided to stop that policy because enough NR's didn't like it. Does Wyoming plan to re-evaluate their 90-10 policy after a year and stop it if NR's don't like it?
- The Qualifying License purchase also applies to EVERYONE, just NR ... very equitable again.
- You claim "Colorado will be next to cut NR tags and elk one day will be LQ." There are no plans for that. That is conjecture, not fact. You won't convince anyone while using fantasy in place of facts.
- You claim "Colorado is more fair with tags then any other state" True!! But then you continue with "that is true today but those days are coming to a end here shortly". Once again, that is conjecture, not fact.
So basically you're using incorrect and imaginary info to try and convince everyone what WY is doing is fair.
No deal.
I agree each state should manage its own wildlife and the residents should be taken care of ahead of NR. I’m far into the point game in many states and it sucks when rules change but if it’s for more tags and quality opportunity then I agree with it.

In the case of CO, it has managed for money and that’s why it’s so overcrowded in every season. OTC should have been eliminated a long time ago. CO has managed for money and not for the residents. I would be all for limited quota on all species and 95-5 tag allocation. Residents should get priority not money to G&F. Wyoming manages their wildlife very well in my opinion.
Winchester look at this quote right here this is fact right here... Colorado manages it wildlife for the all mighty dollar.... U can have Ur otc elk tag every day and twice on Sunday and it orange army that goes with it.... This is not fact but in my opinion Colorado will have to do sum thing with the OTC elk tags weather its 90/10 95/5 or a cap on all OCT elk tags in the near future and its my opinion it should of been done several years ago FACT...
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Veteran member
Mar 27, 2014
Woodland Park, Colorado
Winchester look at this quote right here this is fact right here... Colorado manages it wildlife for the all mighty dollar.... U can have Ur otc elk tag every day and twice on Sunday and it orange army that goes with it.... This is not fact but in my opinion Colorado will have to do sum thing with the OTC elk tags weather its 90/10 95/5 or a cap on all OCT elk tags in the near future and its my opinion it should of been done several years ago FACT...
You might have some valid points, but you’ll have a better chance of convincing others if you use facts to back up your statements.
You just said, “ This is not fact but in my opinion …” and then you wrote “FACT” at the end. I’m sorry but that’s still just your opinion.


Apr 25, 2016
Casper, Wyoming
News Flash.......! Stop issuing NR tags and issue them all to Wyoming residents. Watch WG&F Department go broke! Watch how many small businesses depending on NR $$$ shut their doors also. Watch how many outfitters shut their doors too.

I don't apply for any of the Big 5 and after using all my points for deer and elk the last couple of years, I will only be hunting antelope in Wyoming in the future. So basically I don't have a dog in this fight, but Wyoming resident hunters need to understand the financial realities of what NR's contribute to residents hunting opportunities.
After how many threads on each hunting board, after countless times we hear Wyoming depends on NR dollars, just another comment on how Game & Fish will go broke going 90/10 and residents don't understand it.

Trust me, revenue for the change has been looked about a gozillion times by all involved. Wyoming will be fine wit a few minor fee increases. There, rest easy now.


Active Member
Oct 15, 2011
Casper Wy
Winchester if my opinion is right I will not be crying and squalling that NR are getting F@#$.. Because its Ur states right to manage and allocate its tags as it sees fit... I drew my deer tag in Colorado this year and I am done... I hope to find the time to draw my elk tag before to long... But its pretty hard giving up hunting elk here in Wyoming.. Have a wonderful day and happy hunting...


Veteran member
Nov 30, 2014
Not many will like this, but the short and skinny is this. If you were a Wyoming resident, you'd be all on board with 90-10, period.
You might not like how the conversations go, or how something are talked about, but there truly is one constant in life, change. Sometimes we like it, sometimes we don't.


Veteran member
Mar 27, 2014
Woodland Park, Colorado
Winchester if my opinion is right I will not be crying and squalling that NR are getting F@#$.. Because its Ur states right to manage and allocate its tags as it sees fit... I drew my deer tag in Colorado this year and I am done... I hope to find the time to draw my elk tag before to long... But its pretty hard giving up hunting elk here in Wyoming.. Have a wonderful day and happy hunting...
That’s cool … you stated your opinion and didn’t try to make us believe it a fact … that’s fine.
Good luck with your CO deer tag.
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Veteran member
Mar 27, 2014
Woodland Park, Colorado
Not many will like this, but the short and skinny is this. If you were a Wyoming resident, you'd be all on board with 90-10, period.
I understand your point but I disagree.
I would not be on board with changing the plan midstream on NR who have invested in points for years & years (note: I haven’t so this isn’t about me).
I believe those folks should be given some form of compensation.


Veteran member
Nov 30, 2014
I understand your point but I disagree.
I would not be on board with changing the plan midstream on NR who have invested in points for years & years (note: I haven’t so this isn’t about me).
I believe those folks should be given some form of compensation.
And that's the beautiful thing about the USA, your entitled to your opinion. You'd have to agree though, it's very easy to say you'd side with NR, when your not actually faced with the choice at the moment.

I have not made it to any of the meetings yet, unfortunately I had previously scheduled work in Denver months ago for the Cheyenne meeting date.
There's lots of information on this post and also on different forums, but I'd definitely like to go to one meeting in person at some point before the final decision.


Very Active Member
Apr 15, 2015
I understand your point but I disagree.
I would not be on board with changing the plan midstream on NR who have invested in points for years & years (note: I haven’t so this isn’t about me).
I believe those folks should be given some form of compensation.
Good to hear.

Lets see the letters you wrote to the Colorado DOW when they baited and switched me when I could no longer apply for ranching for wildlife tags as a NR.

Lets see the letter you wrote in support of NR's when the CDOW decided to allow people to apply without fronting the money, that tanked my odds a bunch.

Lets see the letter you wrote when they jacked the preference point fees to $100 and required a small game or turkey license to apply.

Fact is, you didn't lift a finger or do a single thing to care about NR's...but you're quick to judge Wyoming because it impacts NR's.

Tough luck...and please let me know when I'm going to be compensated for the massive changes in Colorado that have impacted me and thousands of other NR's.


Active Member
Jun 10, 2012
Buzz, your comments carry 0 weight about Colo. How many RFW tags were issued to nonres....about 2 or 3! Both res and nonres have worse draw odds due to upfronting license fees being removed.

Buzz how many nonres tags are issued in Colo to nonres for limited elk, antelope, and deer? Last time I checked it was 20 to 35%. How about OTC for elk? Pretty good deal for nonres in Colo if you ask me.

Buzz, I'm sure if 90/10 passes for deer, elk, and antelope in Wyo it will give Colo momentum to do the same in Colo. Even though I'm a Colo res I believe that would be a big mistake. Going 90/10 in Colo won't increase my draw odds that much but will definitely screw nonres that have been applying for years for pref pts. It will also have significant revenue losses to both the CPW and small town communities. The small towns in Western Colo revolted against cutting nonres tags a few years ago because they understand the $ loss. It's funny that Wyo small town business owners haven't done the same!
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Very Active Member
Apr 15, 2015
Buzz, your comments carry 0 weight about Colo. How many RFW tags were issued to nonres....about 2 or 3! Both res and nonres have worse draw odds due to upfronting license fees being removed.

Buzz how many nonres tags are issued in Colo to nonres for limited elk, antelope, and deer? Last time I checked it was 20 to 35%. How about OTC for elk? Pretty good deal for nonres in Colo if you ask me.

Buzz, I'm sure if 90/10 passes for deer, elk, and antelope in Wyo it will give Colo momentum to do the same in Colo. Even though I'm a Colo res I believe that would be a big mistake. Going 90/10 in Colo won't increase my draw odds that much but will definitely screw nonres that have been applying for years for pref pts. It will also have significant revenue losses to both the CPW and small town communities. The small towns in Western Colo revolted against cutting nonres tags a few years ago because they understand the $ loss. It's funny that Wyo small town business owners haven't done the same!
I sure hope the Residents of Colorado do something to decrease the number of NR hunters...

I would strongly support CO capping NR elk tags, similar to what Wyoming does.

I would also strongly support CO residents going 90-10 for all limited elk, deer, pronghorn...they already are with MSG. Residents deserve 90% of the opportunity...the live there, work there, pay taxes there, their NGO's support wildlife there, volunteer work gets done by CO residents to help wildlife. I see no good reason to be giving opportunity away to NR's past 10% of the tags.

Small town economies in WY and CO will continue to survive and prosper no matter what allocation of R and NR tags there are...just a fact. Fishing, hiking, bird watching, wildlife watching, camping, skiing, snowmobiling, atv riding...all are much bigger economic drivers than hunting...check the numbers you like to throw around.

You're over-playing your hand Sebastian...you aren't bluffing anyone with the rags your holding.
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