Mount Pictures


Mar 28, 2016
Gypsum, Co
The problem with people that are looking for a home is a lot like a wife that only allows you to keep them in the garage.

It is also a home decor decision. Some like it some don't. When I was dating a realtor she told me of a sale that she lost because of the large hunting scene wall paper that was in the home.


Very Active Member
Apr 15, 2015
When my wife and I built our house, left the downstairs a pretty open floorplan specifically for our taxidermy. Everything with the exception of the dall sheep are DIY on public land or publicly accessible private (block management, WIA's, etc.).

Not the best pictures...but you get the idea:

Couple few 6 points, couple mule deer:

mule deer, coues deer, Montana goat, montana bear:

A few Montana whitetails, sea ducks from Kodiak.

desert sheep, dall sheep:

Muskox from AK (my buddy and I drew 2 of the last 5 trophy tags issued in the area), new mexico oryx.



Very Active Member
Apr 15, 2015
Only taxidermy upstairs is my best bull from Wyoming and 2 of the 4 B&C pronghorn my wife has shot:

reloading/meat processing area in the garage...I don't know 40 some odd pronghorn, some deer, elk, yada yada...I need to clean that mess up:

Handful of garage bucks, whitetail, mule deer, and coues:

Have another 50-60 various deer, raghorn elk, a few more pronghorn in the storage area above the garage.
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