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  • Hi Hilltop. I chatted with you last December about some elk units in Wyoming. I ended up finally drawing a unit 24 tag this year. You said you had a friend that works for the BLM and wondered if you think he would chat with me about the unit. I'm actually spending this weekend in the unit getting aquainted with it. Thanks again!
    I think you are going to be really happy with that tag. Congrats!

    It can't hurt to ask - I'll give him a call tonight. I'm going camping with him in the Snowy Range in 3 weeks so I can also visit with him over a beer and get his thoughts.
    Hi Hilltop! What do you think about archery elk hunting in unit 11? Turning 65 and need to pull the trigger this coming year. Any info would be greatly appreciated!
    Sounds Great! Have fun camping!
    I talked to my buddy about 24. He said he really hasn't spent much time in that unit in several years so he wouldn't be much help.
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