Your Best Bulls!!!


Very Active Member
Apr 15, 2015
Best bull I shot in Wyoming, 372 and change gross, netted 358 5/8 archery elk.

This one from AZ is my second best, 356 gross as is with maybe 10-15 inches of antler busted off. Pretty good bull for a late general AZ rifle tag and relatively intact. I've seen some that were busted to hell and gone.

Not even close to highest scoring bull, but for character, my favorite bull. Great mass and was 10 years old. IIRC 330ish gross.

Best bull I shot in Montana, general tag, never did score it, would guess 320 maybe?



Veteran member
Jan 21, 2014
Wow, good work everyone. Pretty impressive bulls posted here already! I've killed quite a few over the years, but nothing as impressive as most of those. My best two are my OR archery bull this year and my first UT muzzleloader bull.
2021 OR Archery

2015 UT Muzzleloader
UT MZ Elk 019 (2).jpg