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Veteran member
Dec 13, 2011
Sunday was check out day at the resort at 10 am so i brought the wife to a trail head and toom her on a long hike. 3 miles up at 1500 ft elevation gain to a beautiful waterfall. She was a mad at first cause i didnt mention the climb but was a trooper and made it up and back was some beautiful sights. Not bad for a flat lander.3539735398353993540035401


Staff member
I spent the day digging out a cracked sewer line to my guest cabin. I can't use the backhoe because of the intact water line in the same trench. I will be back at it and keep on digging until I find solid pipe. You don't need expensive exercise equipment as long as you have a shovel (or a chainsaw.)
Could not agree more! A day cutting wood will test anyone's fitness level... and we've forgotten that as a society thinking we need expensive classes, coaches, equipment, etc. Just get outside and get moving and if you don't eat and drink like a pig the weight comes off pretty fast. I like to keep in mind how I condition my Labradors... if they get fat I feed them less and work them more, pretty simple.


Staff member
Last week was insane with a very weird work schedule. As a result I didn't get the workouts in that I wanted but jumped back on it this morning... 3.5 mile ruck before work felt good. Will finish my 10k steps before bed and top that off with pushups and some bodyweight movements... hopefully some partner cardio before going to sleep too. ;)