Eastmans' "Big Man Challenge!"


Veteran member
Mar 20, 2013
Think I am going to do a full pack hike in the morning. Going to have to get up a little earlier!!:(
Did the gym this after noon and worked on lower body. Will probably be a little sore in the morning.

Thursdays Full pack +10 Hike. Got up and it was raining but decided to go anyway. A bit Slower in the rain but that's ok. Rain was nice and cool, felt pretty good. Mark

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Veteran member
Jun 4, 2011
north idaho
if you can incorporate putting 2 into the target while your sweat is still dripping in your eyes and your heart rate is up. I highly recommend it.


Eastmans' Staff / Moderator
Staff member
Feb 3, 2014

Back in the saddle! The week off was nice but it felt better to knock a long run out. How did all of you guys do this weekend?

Eastmans' Staff Digital Media Coordinator


Veteran member
Mar 2, 2013
St. Louis, MO
Glad to see you are back at it Scott. How did the move go?

I had a family wedding and events this weekend, but I did get a run in yesteraday. I haven't sync'ed my GPS watch yet to download the data, but I did a 7.32 mi run in 58:51 for a 8:02 avg.


Veteran member
Mar 20, 2013
Keep it going AZ!! I found a new addition to my gym workout today. Its got to be the hardest combo there is. Jump rope for 1 minute then do 30 lunges then repeat four times. Try it you will hate it. Who ever said jump rope was easy is a lire!!
Weigh in report 280, slow and steady


Veteran member
Mar 20, 2013
Been sore since I started the lunges and rope but still been getting out before work for some short runs. Gym after work today for a few hours.



Eastmans' Staff / Moderator
Staff member
Feb 3, 2014
Hey guys, we are headed out tomorrow morning to do a 7 mile hike with about 20lbs on our backs. Should be a good one and will be a pretty good test of how we are doing in comparison to our desired fitness levels for hunting season. We will take plenty of pictures so you all can see how it works.


Active Member
May 2, 2014
Good job guys on the running and getting in shape. I started in 2011 with the goal to be able to run 6 miles in under an hour and have continued to set the goal higher and higher each year. Ran a marathon last year at a faster average pace than I could run 6 miles back in 2011.

Was scrolling through the previous post and thought I recognized ScottR's map of his run. Here's my run while I was on vacation last week getting some scouting in and visiting some friends in Powell.

I've been trying to post my scouting report for my mountain goat hunt in the sheep/goat/moose forum, but it keeps telling me that my posts have to be approved by a moderator before they will show up.

One thing that I've done that has really helped me with my fitness level is joined a local running club. They have monthly races and that helps keep me motivated to stay in good shape all year round. I'll be running a 5 mile race this Saturday, I ran it last year in 38:14 for a 7:39 pace, I'm hoping to run it in 37:30 this year, right at a 7:30 pace.

I got all the way down to 199 last year but climbed back up to 215 this winter, stepped on the scale this morning at 206.8 so back on track and hoping to get down close to 200 before hunting season starts for me in late September.


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Veteran member
Mar 2, 2013
St. Louis, MO
Hey guys, we are headed out tomorrow morning to do a 7 mile hike with about 20lbs on our backs. Should be a good one and will be a pretty good test of how we are doing in comparison to our desired fitness levels for hunting season. We will take plenty of pictures so you all can see how it works.
Have fun on the hike. My family and I are headed camping in the Mohican State Forest this weekend. Hoping to to some kayaking and hiking myself.:D