Any Bear Sightings?


Very Active Member
Mar 10, 2011
IMG00090-20110419-1147.jpgIMG00094-20110419-1226.jpgIMG00098-20110419-1257.jpgIMG00100-20110419-1422.jpgIMG00101-20110419-1422.jpgI went out Tuesday up the Salmon River Road. Got way in there and up the switchbacks going into Burgdorf. I got to see the hills crawling with whitetales, and only a few Mulies. Saw a few elk with the help of my binos. Looked and looked as far as I could for hours and never saw even sign of a bear. However it was fun to get out of this snow, see some country I have not set foot in, and dream of the day I can let that arrow fly at those whitetales.!!


Very Active Member
Mar 10, 2011
Well, Where I live, the snows not yet gone, and today its done nothing but blow snow anyway. That area is about an hour and half north of me near Riggins. Riggins is a much lower elevation, and warmer area of the state altogether. I was advised by the F&G dept to head up there this time of year as the snow here makes it hard as ever to get into bear country, and some of the bears here are still sleeping, and not up yet due to snow.
However, I didnt see any down there either, but being a bit optimistic still its more that I only spent the day there, and not much more time.
Yes we do have a decent black bear population, if it was legal to shoot them here in town, we have about a dozen or so problem bears every year taken out of town and relocated.

Bitterroot Bulls

Veteran member
Apr 25, 2011
MT Backcountry Hunter, it is going to be a while before the high country opens up around Bozeman, eh? I was visiting the folks in Gateway last week, and oh man did it look snowy up Bear Creek and in the Spanish Peaks! My old favorite bear haunts are definitely still snowed in there in Gallatin country. Good luck, I hope you find a bruiser!


New Member
Feb 21, 2011
Took this on Saturday with my phone. It was a sow with 3 cubs with her. I got within 10 yards before one of the cubs spooked and they all took off.



New Member
Feb 21, 2011
There's still plenty of snow, just not down as low as I was. Once you get up to the Forest Service roads, it's still close to not being able to drive through.


Active Member
Feb 23, 2011
Big Sky Country, MT
The snow continues to come down, but don't let that stop you from looking in the lower country. Bears can be found on any part of the mountain (or hill).

Spent some time down in the Custer National Forest near Ashland this past weekend and came across a good size bear track down really low. Never saw the bear, but i'm guessing from the tracks around a 5ft bear. Got the blood pumping!

May should be a better month. Lets hope.
String music im a true believer in that. Your from Bozeman so you know Norris Rd. that takes you to the river. I saw a sow last summer walking through the sage brush out there along the road, last place I expected to see a bear. I saw a big Boar over by Norris last year in the sage brush to. We can just keep hoping it gets warm.


New Member
Feb 21, 2011
Congrats bates_11! Great looking bear. I sure miss hunting around there.


New Member
May 4, 2011
Deer Lodge, Montana
Thanks for the compliments guys.. been hunting a few weeks for them now, but there really on the move now with this nice weather we have been getting. Seen 5 in the last few days and the area I hunt isn't really known for holding too many bears.. Best of luck to you guys