

Mar 28, 2016
Gypsum, Co
Here is a article by a Denver TV station on the wolves.

As a FYI, the purple area are drainage's where wolves have been tracked to not actual locations. So if a wolf is trotting down along the Continental Divide and happens to wander down the east or west side the map will show that drainage as being a area that they have been in.

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Veteran member
Mar 27, 2014
Woodland Park, Colorado
Here's the news release notes from CPW.

CPW’s Notable Updates
  • There are now 29 gray wolves in Colorado (CPW just translocated and released 15 additional wolves from British Columbia). As always, this number can change at any time if other wolves migrate to Colorado from other states.
  • Wolves were released both north and south of I-70, however, we expect wolves to explore their new environment and travel widely.
  • One female wolf is exploring the southeast region of the state. The watersheds in the southeast region that are lit up in this map represent the movement of this one animal.
  • In order for any watershed to indicate wolf activity, at least one GPS point from at least one of the wolf collars was recorded within the boundaries of the watershed within the last 30 days.
  • Simply because a watershed indicates wolf activity, it does not mean that a wolf or wolves are present throughout the entire watershed nor that they are currently in the watershed.
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