Shooting at close distances- arrow damage?


Active Member
Sep 17, 2013
Minneapolis, MN
I live in blustery MN, and have taken to shooting at the indoor range I put in my house. Problem is, the range is about 8 feet long. Is there any chance I'm doing damage to my arrows by slamming them into my Block Target at this close of range?


Very Active Member
Aug 24, 2011
Loma Rica, Ca.
Shoot away.......the only way your gonna damage your arrows is if you shoot to many at one spot and start busting nocks. The other thing is to keep your block anchored well so it doesn't turn a little at arrow impact. If it does the following arrow will be impacting at a different angle and that can cause you grief.


Veteran member
Feb 25, 2014
Eastern Nebraska
I agree with packer- no stress using a block target at that range. The only potential issue I can think of is if your bow is way out of tune and your arrows are coming out bad you might end up with a stress fracture around the insert. A quick paper tune should eliminate this possibility.


Active Member
Sep 10, 2012
I run into this a lot shooting Modified indoor Flint rounds.
The modified flint round is a 7 end, 4 arrows per end game with distances from 15 feet to 60 feet, at varying sized targets. It was accepted by the NFAA in 1960 to allow indoor ranges to have a Variable distance shoot when weather was bad outside.

It is shot twice for a perfect score of 280 with 28x’s. Scoring is 5, 4, 3 on the NFAA Field Face, with x’s counted. X’s break ties. It uses the the 35 cm field face and the 20 cm field face.

I started using Pin Nocks but I have creased a few arrows. Be sure to flex the carbons!