*Yes, but the key there is untrained.Fyi
The BLM will adopt you an untrained burro for $25 dollars then send you a $1000 to help take care of it.
Personally, My donks are just standard size (not mammoths) so they are comfortable at a trekking weight of 60-80 pounds and heavy out at 100+.How often do you need to water them? How much weight can they carry?
As a recent convert to llamas those are the differences that I would be interested in.
I've now done three backcountry hunts with them in griz country around yellowstone park. I do tie a bailing string breakaway onto their highline and leave a AM/FM radio on pretty loud. I stick them near my tent and away from the cooking/eating/bear hang area. I also keep my camp real visible. Thats about it, no problems yet but you never know.When hunting in grizzly country do you do anything in particular to keep them safe?