Mount Pictures


Very Active Member
Feb 21, 2011
Nice piebald buck, pretty rare.
I did not kill that one. A friend found it freshly killed on the road outside Richmond Virginia and I talked him through the caping process and he shipped it to me. I did the taxidermy myself with a rack I had laying around. It turned out really good and gets a lot of comments and questions


Veteran member
Jul 8, 2015
I did not kill that one. A friend found it freshly killed on the road outside Richmond Virginia
An old friend invited me to a guys house who had a hundred mounts.. This guy and his brother were excavators from Wilkes-barre PA. He had a ton of mounts in his house.... I mean it looked like a museum. Grizzly bear on waterfall swatting at jumping salmon scenes, moose, sheep, goats, you name it he had 4 of each. It was literally like nothing I have ever seen. He did all of the taxidermy work himself and while he did kill most of the big game animals with his brother on trips He said "My buddies a game warden and half of these deer/turkeys/small game are road kills, but I got a great story for every one of em if you want to listen!" Had a good laugh. He was one cool dude.

Sadly, the guy went on a sheep hunt in Alaska and fell of a cliff and died a year after he gave me the tour.