Hunting Doe

Colorado Cowboy

Super Moderator
Jun 8, 2011
Dolores, Colorado
A lot depends on your situation. I love to eat venison, antelope and elk, prefer it to most domestic meat. If I can't draw a tag for a male animal and my freezer is empty, I'll put in for a female tag in areas where there are surplus animals. I never take a female with a fawn either. I have shot a lot of doe deer and antelope over the years. A few cow elk have filled my freezer too. It has been a 7 or 8 years since I have put in for a female tag.

disabled combat vet

Active Member
Jul 13, 2019
Pueblo, Colorado
A lot depends on your situation. I love to eat venison, antelope and elk, prefer it to most domestic meat. If I can't draw a tag for a male animal and my freezer is empty, I'll put in for a female tag in areas where there are surplus animals. I never take a female with a fawn either. I have shot a lot of doe deer and antelope over the years. A few cow elk have filled my freezer too. It has been a 7 or 8 years since I have put in for a female tag.
I like that you don't shoot a Doe with a Fawn, I'm the same way, to me that is part of being a true Sportsman.........


Veteran member
Jul 8, 2015
I got no problem with taking a doe or two as long as there is a healthy population of deer.

The people I have a problem with are the guys who are willing to shoot a doe, but they won’t shoot a coyote because they don’t want to scare the deer away…..

coyotes kill several does/fawns every year. Kill you a couple coyotes and you deserve that doe .

dan maule

Very Active Member
Jan 3, 2015
Upper Michigan
Depends, deer populations where I live can explode quickly and in years past we would harvest several. This year I purchased a doe tag for my daughter but based on the number of deer we seen, we decided not to harvest any. Doe hunting has its place and it’s up to the folks hunting to try and make a good decision based on what they observe while hunting. I personally don’t trust my state’s DNR to make the right call on doe harvesting based on the fact that they offer unlimited doe tags for my area.


Mar 28, 2016
Gypsum, Co
I haven't shot a doe in so many years that it is scary, I have however shot a number of cow elk. Shooting a doe just isn't for me.

One problem with shooting a doe during any of the general seasons is that even if there are not any fawns with her they may still be in the area and you will never know until you go to clean her and find that she still has milk.

But I have always thought that if we want to grow the deer population why are we shooting does and cow elk? Most cow elk are bred by the time that rifle hunts come around and most of the doe deer will be bred shortly after the seasons end.

Now if the areas have reached their quota's for herd numbers I see no problem shooting them, but as I mentioned it just isn't for me.

disabled combat vet

Active Member
Jul 13, 2019
Pueblo, Colorado
I have shot maybe one or two Doe Deer and a couple of Antelope Doe but I kinda feel funny after the fact for some reason like it is wrong...... I think I'm going to stick to bucks plus it's a challenge....... Hunting to me is not about just killing but about being outdoors again and enjoying life..... I did that JimP field dressed her just to find out that she still had milk I didn't feel good about myself...... Thank You Guys for reeling me back in to whats important!!!!!!!

Muley bound

Active Member
Mar 12, 2013
I shoot doe all the time. The area we live and hunt is loaded with deer. Shooting doe is a great way to manage and control the deer herd. In areas that don’t have high deer numbers, I sure wouldn’t shoot one just to shoot a deer. I love eating venison and so does my family. If there’s plenty of deer, it’s more practical to shoot a doe than a small buck just for the sake of shooting a deer. I sure wouldn’t knock anybody either for shooting a small or meat buck. I feel a person just needs to make that decision on the area they hunt and if they like eating venison.

Colorado Cowboy

Super Moderator
Jun 8, 2011
Dolores, Colorado
Not all areas are the same and a lot depends on the weather. Here in the SW part of Colorado it usually starts around Thanksgiving. Not all the does get bred and some don't come into season and a second rut can start a couple of weeks later.
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Very Active Member
Apr 15, 2015
I won't ever shoot another mule deer doe or pronghorn doe ever again. I will buy tags to pitch them in the trash to help save them from being killed though. Its pretty appalling to me what I see happen every year in regard to both these species. They aren't doing well across their range, and also many "hunters" treat them like a coyote. Seems there's an attitude out there that pronghorn and mule deer does are just slightly better than a coyote. I've seen some pretty gross displays (does piled in trucks in extreme heat, shot in the ass, shot in the guts, legs blown off, long range shooting, etc. etc.)

Whitetail and cow elk are a different story, I'll continue to shoot them, as both species are doing very well here. Even with those, I'm very selective on the ones I kill. I hunted a friends place for whitetails and passed on multiple does the last couple hours of the season because they all had fawns with them.

I helped a couple friends with cow elk today and the small herd (3 bulls 15 cows and a calf) they each shot one from only had one calf in the group. It was obvious which cow the calf belonged to. Both the cows they shot were dry.

I know its wishful thinking, but I wish hunters would give things a serious "thunk" before they pull the trigger.


Veteran member
Apr 23, 2016
whether I shoot a doe, or a buck generally has to do with how full my freezer is.

IF I need meat, I am much less selective than I am in years when I do not need meat.

if it is legal and it makes you happy, shoot what you wish to shoot, and the opinions of others be damned.


Very Active Member
Apr 15, 2015
whether I shoot a doe, or a buck generally has to do with how full my freezer is.

IF I need meat, I am much less selective than I am in years when I do not need meat.

if it is legal and it makes you happy, shoot what you wish to shoot, and the opinions of others be damned.
As long as the animals are utilized and killed ethically, absolutely.