Go fund the wall


Mar 28, 2016
Gypsum, Co
On the hunting side I would say that the biggest thing is the trash that is left, either where they hide out for a while or where they drop all their excess things along the way. I have a friend that lives in Tucson and he has found hundreds of backpacks that have been left along the border.

I also heard that they leave hunters, hikers, and other people alone since they don't want to draw undue attention into the area from the patrol. But that doesn't make you wonder when you leave your camp in the morning and don't expect to be back for several hours.

On my way out of my hunting area in 2016 I went through a check station where the officer asked me what I had been doing and if I left my vehicle unattended during my stay. I told him that I had and he then had a drug dog walk around my vehicle before I was allowed to leave. Then when I went through the same station last December they just asked a couple of questions and sent me on my way. I did wonder when I got up to the next highway headed east to I-17 when there was a border patrol truck in front of me and 2 of them behind me.


Veteran member
Aug 14, 2014
The last time we drove home from Tombstone 2 years we stopped at the border patrol ckechpoint and I was pulling my travel trailer, they didn't even ask to look inside.
What kind of checkpoint is that?


Veteran member
Apr 23, 2016
security was pretty lax under Obama.

had mexico chosen to invade us under that administration they probably would have won.

before he would unleash the military he would have had a 6 month study on the reason we were being invaded and what we could do to be less offensive to the invading force.
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Mar 28, 2016
Gypsum, Co
The problem with Schumer and the rest of his bunch is that the wall is something that Trump wants and he will do his best to see that he doesn't get anything that he wants.

Wait until after the first of the year when the new congress is sworn in. It is going to be a replay of 2010 with nothing getting done except for finger pointing.


Veteran member
Apr 23, 2016
The problem with Schumer and the rest of his bunch is that the wall is something that Trump wants and he will do his best to see that he doesn't get anything that he wants.

Wait until after the first of the year when the new congress is sworn in. It is going to be a replay of 2010 with nothing getting done except for finger pointing.
why wait?????????????? we got that going on now!


Active Member
Jul 4, 2017
New Hampshire
Laws need to be changed
- immagration lawyers are partially responsible ...they solicit illegals before they arrive at the boarder and advise them how to scam the system
- politicians should not benefit from illegals ...every illegal who is counted on the sensus (in a sanctuary city) supports the need for another political representative = more libs in office
- no more anchor babies (thank Teddy K for that one)
- no more chain migration
- sanctuary cities should be self funded if they exist at all
- sanctuary cities should not recieve federal funding
- crimes committed by illegals shoudl be an instant DQ from being in this country
- repeat crimes committed by illegals should allow civil procecution leading to judges, politicians and to police, police because in some areas they dont support the US constitution and are nothing more than a govt arm of the democratic party- shamefull!


Veteran member
Feb 25, 2014
Eastern Nebraska
Wall or no wall I just wish everyone living here had to play by the same rules and pay all the same taxes. I think if we fix our internal structure we would become a lot less attractive to those taking advantage of our systems.


Mar 28, 2016
Gypsum, Co
I don't see how it can be a solid wall for the full length of the border. The areas where the jaguars have been spotted on trail cams is very mountainous and solid rock, it would be very hard to build a wall there. But then again it isn't the typical place anyone is crossing with drugs or people.

The ones that I feel sorry for are the ranchers in Texas along the Rio Grande river. They are loosing land to the wall since the wall is going up on the US side of the border.