Go fund the wall


Veteran member
Apr 23, 2016
I believe the wall is a silly promise made to appease stupid people , however ,I hope trump has the spine to keep the government shut down, no matter how long it takes.

I am not opposed to the wall being built. I just understand that a wall alone ,without the will of our leaders behind it, is useless!

and we all know that anytime a dem gains power the gates will be thrown wide open and the troops ordered to look the other way.

also to be fair and balanced , REPUBLICANS hire illegal invaders too!!

dustin ray

Veteran member
Oct 23, 2011
Alta Loma CA
I believe the wall is a silly promise made to appease stupid people , however ,I hope trump has the spine to keep the government shut down, no matter how long it takes.

I am not opposed to the wall being built. I just understand that a wall alone ,without the will of our leaders behind it, is useless!

and we all know that anytime a dem gains power the gates will be thrown wide open and the troops ordered to look the other way.

also to be fair and balanced , REPUBLICANS hire illegal invaders too!!
Well my stupid ass donated in $100 how about you kid


Veteran member
Apr 23, 2016
Well my stupid ass donated in $100 how about you kid
nope . I don't want the wall. I want the will.
The wall is nothing but a silly ,feel good ,useless solution! the will ,is THE solution!

I have however "donated" way more then $100.00 thru taxes that hopefully will go to more important things . like bullets , to provide the bodies of illegal invaders and bulldozers to bury them.

heads on spikes will do much more to say " you are not welcome and we have the WILL to back it, then a silly ol wall ever could!

A wall without will is useless and with will ,a wall is not necessary.
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Veteran member
Apr 23, 2016
Mexico is paying for it. Didn't you hear?
truth is ,if it does get built , mexico WILL pay for it each and every day. but ONLY if we as a nation have the will to do what it takes to man the wall and prevent illegal invaders from scaling or tunneling under it. which we don't and most likely won't!

Colorado Cowboy

Super Moderator
Jun 8, 2011
Dolores, Colorado
I personally think it is a big waste of money in a lot of areas. In the urban areas near towns where everybody lives in Mexico, OK. But across the desert and all the areas where there is nothing, electronic stuff could do the job a hell of a lot cheaper. I am conservative, (notice I said that instead of Republican) and I knew when Trump said "Mexico will pay for it" he was full of crap! People who believed that were just plain uninformed or stupid. In 2016 I didn't vote for either Dem or Rep candidate....I wrote in "None of the Above". This was the first time in my voting life (which started in 1962) that I havn't voted for a Republican for President.

Rant over..................


Very Active Member
Jun 28, 2015
Southern Indiana
truth is ,if it does get built , mexico WILL pay for it each and every day. but ONLY if we as a nation have the will to do what it takes to man the wall and prevent illegal invaders from scaling or tunneling under it. which we don't and most likely won't!
Have you spent any time along the border? I was very surprised with the patrols when I was on the AZ/Mexico border hunting deer last year. There was a BP truck driving past any main road every 15-20 minutes. They were also set up glassing during the day, same as the deer hunters, and at night they were up high with I assume some sort of thermal imaging equipment. Large drones flew over regularly. A wall will certainly be breached, but with all the tech and manpower I saw down there, it seems like it would be a lot more effective if directed right at the most difficult barrier to entry.

I do agree that the wall won't be effective at all if the govt just opens the gates, which is entirely possible depending on which party is in power.


Veteran member
Jul 26, 2012
Gotta say, I wish this thread was on some other forum. I come here to get away from the daily politics, other than wildlife related stuff. And yep, I know I don't have to read this one.


Veteran member
Apr 23, 2016
Gotta say, I wish this thread was on some other forum. I come here to get away from the daily politics, other than wildlife related stuff. And yep, I know I don't have to read this one.
gotta say, if you don' t like the topic, don't read the threads!


Veteran member
Apr 23, 2016
Have you spent any time along the border? I was very surprised with the patrols when I was on the AZ/Mexico border hunting deer last year. There was a BP truck driving past any main road every 15-20 minutes. They were also set up glassing during the day, same as the deer hunters, and at night they were up high with I assume some sort of thermal imaging equipment. Large drones flew over regularly. A wall will certainly be breached, but with all the tech and manpower I saw down there, it seems like it would be a lot more effective if directed right at the most difficult barrier to entry.

I do agree that the wall won't be effective at all if the govt just opens the gates, which is entirely possible depending on which party is in power.
no I have not, but I am aware what is taking place down there.

Us citizens being killed, troops ordered to look the other way, sanc cities that welcome criminals with open arms....
sure trump is trying to stop it but he is being under minded at every turn.

because libs don't WANT the border secure . and most of the public don't care either , because they love cheap labor, so long as no one they know personally gets harmed.
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Mar 28, 2016
Gypsum, Co
I have to say that the two hunting seasons that I spent 15 miles off of the border were quite interesting. I was in a area where I doubt that the "wall" will be built, way too mountainous. But during those two hunts we saw one coyote guide running down a wash and one drug runner flying a ultra-lite north. We called in the ultra-lite and withing 5 minutes there was a border patrol helicopter flying overhead. But I am sure that the ultra-lite was already back into Mexico.

We did find several hides that consisted of trash that was left behind. Water bottles, clothes, cell phone, candy and food wrappers were thrown about. The water bottles were gallon sized Clorox bottle type bottles that were black, easier to conceal than a white bottle. We also found orange peels where there are no orange trees with smooth boot tracks where they had worn carpet wrapped around their shoes to leave less of a track.

In 2016 the border patrol was there but not in much force. We did see a helicopter flying along the border one night and we figured that he was after a group since he was in the same area for quite a while. That along with a cross where one did not make it out of the desert. What was interesting were the water stations that a group had put up. They had a blue light on top of a pole that was flashing to let them know where the water station was located at. They figure that clean water is better than letting the border crosser just drink out of rotten cattle ponds or horse troughs.

As for what kind of security would work in the area that I was at I think that electronic surveillance would work a lot better than just a wall. That along with stripping a piece of land bare to where nothing could cross it without being detected and the border patrol being able to sweep down on them fairly quickly.

In the long run a person needs to spend some time down there to actually see what is going on before even thinking of trying to make a decision on it.


Veteran member
Apr 23, 2016
I have to say that the two hunting seasons that I spent 15 miles off of the border were quite interesting. I was in a area where I doubt that the "wall" will be built, way too mountainous. But during those two hunts we saw one coyote guide running down a wash and one drug runner flying a ultra-lite north. We called in the ultra-lite and withing 5 minutes there was a border patrol helicopter flying overhead. But I am sure that the ultra-lite was already back into Mexico.

We did find several hides that consisted of trash that was left behind. Water bottles, clothes, cell phone, candy and food wrappers were thrown about. The water bottles were gallon sized Clorox bottle type bottles that were black, easier to conceal than a white bottle. We also found orange peels where there are no orange trees with smooth boot tracks where they had worn carpet wrapped around their shoes to leave less of a track.

In 2016 the border patrol was there but not in much force. We did see a helicopter flying along the border one night and we figured that he was after a group since he was in the same area for quite a while. That along with a cross where one did not make it out of the desert. What was interesting were the water stations that a group had put up. They had a blue light on top of a pole that was flashing to let them know where the water station was located at. They figure that clean water is better than letting the border crosser just drink out of rotten cattle ponds or horse troughs.

As for what kind of security would work in the area that I was at I think that electronic surveillance would work a lot better than just a wall. That along with stripping a piece of land bare to where nothing could cross it without being detected and the border patrol being able to sweep down on them fairly quickly.

In the long run a person needs to spend some time down there to actually see what is going on before even thinking of trying to make a decision on it.
if that's the case nothing will ever be done because most of the citizens in this nation will never visit the border.

one does not need to visit to become informed.

the fact is ,it is not just the border states at risk.

we have illegals all the way up here in lil ol Idaho also.

wall or no wall, the problem will remain ,so long as there are traitors in this nation who are willing to employ the invaders!
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dustin ray

Veteran member
Oct 23, 2011
Alta Loma CA
Boy tough crowd today
As kid said there is not the will but the wall is a start of the will and when built the and it will slow down the open border party
I have lived in so cal my life and know first hand how devastating the unchecked flow of illegal aliens can be

walls work and i hope every buildable mile is built


Veteran member
Apr 23, 2016
Boy tough crowd today
As kid said there is not the will but the wall is a start of the will and when built the and it will slow down the open border party
I have lived in so cal my life and know first hand how devastating the unchecked flow of illegal aliens can be

walls work and i hope every buildable mile is built
I hope so also. just for different reasons.

I hope it gets built now simply so we can move on to important issues.

dustin ray

Veteran member
Oct 23, 2011
Alta Loma CA
Gotta say, I wish this thread was on some other forum. I come here to get away from the daily politics, other than wildlife related stuff. And yep, I know I don't have to read this one.
yes i get what your saying
so heres how it relates to hunting the impact to wildlife form illegal border crossers at the border and beyond. here in so cal they have no respect and don't care about hunting seasons or bag limits and the trash they leave behind is devastating to the environment


Staff member
Feb 22, 2011
Reno Nv
All good discussion here. We usually shut these political type of threads down rite away because this is not the platform.

As long as all the posts are in good taste we will let them ride.