CA Introduction of Bill SB 252 Prohibit Bear Hunting

dustin ray

Veteran member
Oct 23, 2011
Alta Loma CA
Welcome to our nightmare
the bear population in CA are doing vary well and ever sense the banning use of dogs for bear hunting the bear population have gone threw the roof
this is just a starter kit next pigs then deer elk waterfoul
if there successful in passing this i hope the bears over run the state and cause havoc maybe get rabies and go postal on tree hugging dems that have destroyed our state
opps sorry about that


Staff member
Feb 22, 2011
Reno Nv
Like previously stated this legislation is BS. You’re doing the right thing. One has to wonder if it will make a difference – I truly hope so
I honestly don’t think that it will but I hope that it does. It seems that these Ca gov officials do what they want and not what the people want. Or I should say what the special interest groups want.

Colorado Cowboy

Super Moderator
Jun 8, 2011
Dolores, Colorado
I was born in California in 1941 and am a 4th generation Californian. I saw the state government totally turn into a super majority controlled by the Democrats. I remember Ronald Reagan and Pete Wilson as Governors. The state government passes whatever it wants to regardless of the consequences. The sentiment of the general population and legislature is basically anti hunting and IMHO will continue to chip away at the hunters rights to own guns and hunt game.

For 20 years prior to my retirement in 2000, my wife and I traveled the western states looking for a place to retire. Love SW Colorado, but am concerned at the way Colorado has started to follow what I saw in California.


Mar 28, 2016
Gypsum, Co
As I have mentioned before I believe that I have seen some of the best hunting out here in the west that there ever will be.

And as I get older I am starting to see some of the worst policies for hunting out here in the west.

In one case I am glad that I am on the downhill side of my hunting carrier, with what is happening to a lot of the western states and the sad thing is that they will not get any better.

You can attribute a lot of the problems with folks moving from their state that is highly restrictive to new states and bringing their politics with them. They all complain about what was happening in their old states but then they continue on voting in the same type of politician into office in their new state. Colorado is a prime example. Texas is getting there with how people are voting in the liberals, and the way that people are moving to Montana and Wyoming they can't be far behind.

Very sad.


Active Member
Oct 17, 2017
Red side of Ca
Yep, the Commiecrats doing what they think is best for everyone. Think at this rate there will be no hunting in this state in 5 years. Wonder if they reimburse anyone who has a lifetime license. Doubt it.


Veteran member
Apr 23, 2016
I am ok with this bill passing . mostly because I see no downside to predators eating californians other then those predators might get a bellyache. :ROFLMAO:
that and I do not live in california


Veteran member
Apr 23, 2016
I was born in California in 1941 and am a 4th generation Californian. I saw the state government totally turn into a super majority controlled by the Democrats. I remember Ronald Reagan and Pete Wilson as Governors. The state government passes whatever it wants to regardless of the consequences. The sentiment of the general population and legislature is basically anti hunting and IMHO will continue to chip away at the hunters rights to own guns and hunt game.

For 20 years prior to my retirement in 2000, my wife and I traveled the western states looking for a place to retire. Love SW Colorado, but am concerned at the way Colorado has started to follow what I saw in California.
it is coming to all states .I can imagine how this nation will be 50 ears from now and praise GOD my life is nearing it's end.

I would pity the children but then I look at the children and realize the majority of them deserve no pity.
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