How young is too young?


Veteran member
Feb 22, 2011
Sheridan, Wyoming
So I posted a picture of my son and his birthday present which was a little bow and a 3D deer target on Facebook. Like two days later I woke up and got on Facebook and my sons picture was everywhere except the photo had been altered a little ( they added the words ) and now it has gone absolutely viral. I'm finding it everywhere and there are lots of people of course bashing the picture saying my son is too young and I'm teaching him to be a killer.. So how young do you all think is too young to start them? He had been hunting with me since I was pregnant with him. I took my largest antelope to date with him in my tummy! He picked up his sister's 15lb bow and was able to draw it back so I figured it was time to teach him. I think it's never too young to start teaching them the basics of hunting and of course, SAFETY! ImageUploadedByTapatalk1354804332.876943.jpgImageUploadedByTapatalk1354804345.863276.jpg

The one without the words is obviously the one I posted and the other one is the one all over Internet now..


Veteran member
Jun 20, 2011
Well Jen, I think its disgusting that someone would take a picture of any child and do that. For goodness sakes, its a toy bow and deer. No different than nerf guns, or the cap guns I grew up with. Nothing wrong at all teaching the basics and focusing on safety. I bought both of my kids mathew's genesis bows last Christmas; were 8 and 7 at the time. I teach them bow basics and safety and we turn our shooting sessions into quality family time. Nothing wrong with that.

As for the taking of an animals life, I believe the child needs to have the mental capacity to be able to handle that exposure. Taking an animals life is serious business and something I don't believe an 8 year old can fully appreciate. I personally will evaluate my children and determine the "right time" for them to take their first animal. If I had to put an age limit, I'd say no earlier than 12. I know its every sportsmen dream to be able to hunt with and teach their children the magnificent world of hunting but I also believe the child needs to be mentally capable of processing that taking a life is serious business. Its not a video game.


Active Member
Dec 18, 2011
Theres never an age limit to start your kids in the right direction. Your kids maturity level will dictate at what age and how far you can take them.


Staff member
I would not let the haters get to you! I think that it is great that you are instilling the love of the hunt in your son. I agree with you that if he can draw the bow then teach him how to use it so he can learn to both use it correctly and with respect for the weapon and the game he will be pursuing. Haters gonna hate. Good for you!


Veteran member
Feb 22, 2011
Sheridan, Wyoming
Thanks Grizz :) I have received my fair share of "fan" mail from haters before and it's never really bothered me.. But seeing it under the picture of my kid, struck me on a different level! I don't let my kids shoot each other with nerf guns or play laser tag type stuff just because I don't like the whole idea of shooting each other. So it hurt to see people saying I'm a horrible parent and calling my kid names.


Veteran member
Apr 7, 2011
West Side, MoMo
Haters gonna hate.

Jen, I don't think there's anything to be ashamed of regarding the second picture. They are clearly complementing you on getting your child started on the right path, and I would have to agree with them, you're doin it right!

I say keep up the good work!

Kevin Root

Very Active Member
Jun 22, 2011
San Jose, California
It's just my opinion but I think there is a big movement targeting women who hunt by the anti hunting groups. I beleive that they see women hunters to be more of a threat to their movement.

There is a big difference between hunting animals and someone hunting people. In terms of human history going back thousands of years, not hunting animals or not teaching children to be hunters is a new concept.

+1 for me in supporting you jenbickel. :) You are teaching your children to respect human life and be safe and safe ethical hunters.
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Colorado Cowboy

Super Moderator
Jun 8, 2011
Dolores, Colorado
I know this is a bow hunting article, but I just HAVE to give you some support. When my son was 7 I bought him his first gun, a 20ga single shot shotgun. My Dad was a Hunter Safety Instructor, so my son took the class from his Grandpa. My Dad had a policy that as long as the child understood the concepts & questions, (he would even read the final exam to them) they passed. My son got his cert and we bought his license and he hunted doves with me.

Its NEVER too young to get them started!!! Don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise.

One more thing, this is exactly why I don't do social media:(


Veteran member
Sep 13, 2011
Jen, are you sure this isnt being taken in the wrong context? Typically even with sarcasm you can tell when someone makes a demotivational poster. It is obvious that there hating. But with that poster that was edited with the wording I dont assume it as sarcastic. I see the poster as a thumbs up. People who are viewing the pic dont know you. How do they know you hunt/trap/fish. If you view the pic from a different angle and not from a personal standpoint. Its a kid with some toys learning an american heritage. I go to archery shoots all the time where there is little 2-3-4 year olds with their toy bows out there shooting the targets. The whole shoot will be put on hold for the kids to try a couple times before we continue. There is no such thing as too young. When he is older and decides he loves it or hates it. That is his decision. But for now your giving him a hobby and a passion outside of nintendo that keeps him active and learning. Thats just great parenting regardless how its chopped up!


Very Active Member
Sep 30, 2011
Lewistown, MT
Jen, are you sure this isnt being taken in the wrong context? Typically even with sarcasm you can tell when someone makes a demotivational poster. It is obvious that there hating. But with that poster that was edited with the wording I dont assume it as sarcastic. I see the poster as a thumbs up. People who are viewing the pic dont know you. How do they know you hunt/trap/fish. If you view the pic from a different angle and not from a personal standpoint. Its a kid with some toys learning an american heritage. I go to archery shoots all the time where there is little 2-3-4 year olds with their toy bows out there shooting the targets. The whole shoot will be put on hold for the kids to try a couple times before we continue. There is no such thing as too young. When he is older and decides he loves it or hates it. That is his decision. But for now your giving him a hobby and a passion outside of nintendo that keeps him active and learning. Thats just great parenting regardless how its chopped up!
Hardstalk, I was thinking the same thing. I thought the second pic had something written on it due to great parenting. But, Jen you know best on where the second picture started popping up, and if it was be translated as a bad thing then I can completely see where you are coming from. Since this is the first time I have seen the pic, and it is on this forum, I take the words as a compliment to your parenting.


Veteran member
Sep 13, 2011
Im sure if you google search. "Parenting your doin it wrong" you will see the diff in context. Majority of the time its a kid with a ar barrel in his mouth or a parent holding a kid naked over a fire. Just dumb stuff.


Veteran member
Sep 13, 2011
When I hear "parenting your doing it wrong" I assume this. ImageUploadedByTapatalk1354813902.494534.jpg

Big difference in what the context exploits in jens pic :)


Very Active Member
Aug 24, 2011
Loma Rica, Ca.
My hat's off to you Jen for exposing your children to "OUR" lifestyle at a young age. I didn't spin the edited pic as a bad thing. As Colorado Cowboy mentioned, social media is a double edged sword and once it's out there for the world to see you can't get it back. Unfortunatly the individuals that would spend the time to degrade you as a parent for instilling your lifestyle and values to your children are probably sitting in the same room with "THERE CHILDREN" glued to some video game stealing cars, shooting cops and who nows what else.


Veteran member
Dec 15, 2011
Carlin, NV
Haters gonna hate.

Jen, I don't think there's anything to be ashamed of regarding the second picture. They are clearly complementing you on getting your child started on the right path, and I would have to agree with them, you're doin it right!

I say keep up the good work!
My first thoughts were exactly like Fink's and I couldn't have said it any better. I commend you on teaching your child the art, regardless of his/her age.


Veteran member
Feb 22, 2011
Sheridan, Wyoming
Thanks everyone! I took the words in the second picture as a compliment. It was other people that commented on the picture that started spreading some hate on it. I had actually emailed the person that added the words to the picture because I was curious as to where it came from and she said she found it on tumblr and then added the words and posted it to her Facebook and then that's where it started spreading. She commended me on doing a good job so that did make me feel better. It was just when I was on my "news feed" and I kept seeing it pop up and there was negative comments on it, that's when I got upset :) although when I saw it I knew there would be people that said something. Even though most the groups it was spreading on were hunting related groups. :) thanks again everyone!
And DRhorsepower- that's funny! :) I'm glad you shared it ;)


Veteran member
Oct 2, 2012
Sasakwa, Oklahoma

Don't ever let anything like that get under your skin again! You are a good Mom! Those people making negative comments, more than likely voted for Obama! Just remember you have the support of all of us here on the forum! As for my little bow-hunter tell him to keep practicing! See ya..............


Very Active Member
Jun 1, 2012
Upstate New York
Your Never to Young. I was out in the Woods with My Father as a Baby.... I was the First Child and my Parents where young and just starting out in life... My Father LOVES the Outdoors and when it was his turn to Baby Sit. I was Either Fishing with Him Or being carried out into the Woods Hunting..... Teach Him Right From Wrong and let him Fling a Few Arrows...... And Enjoy the Outdoors......

6mm Remington

Very Active Member
Mar 27, 2011
Western Montana
You are a great mom for getting them started on the right track and showing them where food actually comes from that shows up on the dinner table. Every farm kid grew up knowing what it meant to have a garden and what it produced, same with the cattle and the sheep that they had. You are teaching him how important animals are and how much you respect them, not just that it is a wonderful experience and blessing to be able to hunt one, but what it also means when you harvest an animal. Good for you.