How young is too young?


Active Member
Nov 22, 2011
Mount Rainier
You are doing a great job Jen. To some it wouldn't matter what age you started him out, that you hunt is the problem. Keep doing what you know is right and forget the rest.


Active Member
Jan 7, 2012
Never too young. My son will be here tomorrow (they are inducing labor) and I already bought him a gun... Atleast I get to use it till he is old enough haha


Staff member
Feb 22, 2011
Reno Nv
I saw the pic on Facebook and the first thing that popped into my head was now that is going to be a die hard hunter! People can have their own opinions and there will always be negative opinions about hunting. Would the same people have something negative to say if he was dressed up as a cowboy for Halloween sporting a couple cap gun pistols pointing them and a Indian? I doubt it. I think it is never to early to teach our kids ethics, safety, and respect! The earlier the better.

Joe Hulburt

Active Member
Mar 14, 2011
Oregon Coast
Facebook just seems really stupid to me. Senseless drama!

But to answer the question. Never too young! Your child will become a successful person if he learns to hunt and respects the animals he hunts the way you do! That is one thing I have seen repeated over and over in my life.

slim jim

Active Member
Sep 14, 2011
Las Vegas, NV
Jen, way to go! Pissing people off. Haha jk. I take my 5 and 7 year old boys shooting bows at least once a week. As long as there is safety engrained in them. Much better than being at one of their friends home one day and their parents have a weapon laying around and they do something stupid with it. Here is a photo of my boys from quail hunting last week

Bow newbie

New Member
Dec 2, 2012
Portland, OR
I saw this and thought it was the best thing ever. :D Kids are much smarter then we give them credit for and can be taught the responsibilities of a bow early.


Jan 15, 2012
Corvallis Oregon
Jen, my kid just turned three in october and has been shooting a bow with nerf darts since last Christmas and talks about hunting all the time. He may even have his animal identification down better than most adults.He also now that we eat what we shoot/hunt. I'm am proud that I can start him so young.
I don't let people that disapprove bother me or even give them the chance to do so.
kudos to you hunting and shooting in a safe way will instill many things that will stay with one for life. Good luck to you and your family's adventures.


Veteran member
Nov 3, 2011
Bitterroot Valley, MT.
Well here is pretty much how I feel about it... I would only be preaching to the choir if I went into what the outdoors teaches your children. Especially with the most recent horrific event last week, people have to see that as long as parents spend time with their children, they are ahead of the game...
Any excuse to posts some pics of the kiddos I'll take :) These are special special times that I dearly cherish.
My daughter from 1 to 6 and now her little brother joining in.
Family Hunting Trip-Idaho 2007 033.jpgCopy of Spring Bear 09 166.jpg10-31 009b.jpgDSC_0029.jpg2012-11-26_15-50-30_543b.jpg


Veteran member
Jun 20, 2011
I think its awesome how all this turned out. I think its great that the hunting community can stick together like this.