Why shouldn’t youth get priority in the second draw? The only quota set aside for them in the primary draw are 15% of the antlerless deer, elk or antelope tags. There are no moose, sheep or goat tags set aside for youth, they are in the same pool as everyone else.
I think the priority in the secondary draw should be youth first and residents next. There is nothing currently stopping you from buying an OTC elk tag and going hunting. I don’t understand why you feel your wants should take precedence over a youth hunter, particularly one that is a resident.
Not trying to ruffle any feathers, just stating my opinion. Looking at this thread alone, shows I'm not alone being joined by residents and non-residents alike. If you read through the thread, there are a lot of good points made, which I agree with, in addition to those in my post supporting my stance. I'm all about supporting youth, within reason and some of those reasons I've listed above.
I'd say that these are excellent opportunities for our youth. My youngest is still a minor so I DO have an iron in the fire here....
Resident Youth Opportunity are good in Co.
1. Youth AGES 12–17 who meet hunter education requirements (see page 6) have the opportunity to hunt big game in several ways:
A. through the draw(s) or over the counter for regular seasons for deer, elk, pronghorn and bear;
B. during the youth extended season for female deer, elk or pronghorn;
C. and through youth outreach licenses

A minimum of 15 percent of limited licenses for doe pronghorn, antlerless and
either-sex deer, and antlerless elk for each GMU shall be available for youth ages 12–17 who meet hunter education requirements
GMUs 54, 55, 66, 67 and 551 have youth preference set at 50 percent for all antlerless deer licenses in those GMU
The youth have a lifetime to hunt, build points and play the system's evil games.

I'd simply like to see the older folks get priority or at least a fair
opportunity in the 2nd Draw. For example 65+ or some other rationale for veterans or those wounded in the line of duty. I know there are some programs out there, but perhaps expand upon them.
While I'm at it, I agree with the earlier point that folks who don't pay for the tags SHOULD LOSE ALL POINTS. You are asked to verify your credit card at the time of draw input as well as given a grace period after the actual draw to take care of this aspect. If this 'person' can't do this, I sure don't want them in the woods with a loaded firearm.