Your post is timely, deer camp this year took a new meaning for me. My dad and I go to camp in northern Maine and it is in the un-incorporated township area. The only things that change from year to year is the areas of active logging. I was fortunate in that my dad started hunting when I introduced him to it with an antelope hunt years ago in Wyoming. Ive seen him take his first animal and watched the range of emotions as he did it. My dad worked 3 jobs when I was a kid, like many dads who provided for his family so henever hunted when he was younger. I am fortunate that I finally realized he is going to be 80 years old next year and this years hunt/camp was where I saw how age has started catching up to him. His time spent in the woods was far less than in years past and his routine was more consistent. He hunted smaller patches of woods.
The importance of going is still paramount but the get up and go is starting to fade, I guess things do change in deer camp!