Vacuum Packers

Joe Hulburt

Active Member
Mar 14, 2011
Oregon Coast
I have gone to almost exclusively using a vacuum packer to wrap meat for good long term storage and easy defrosting.The old Foodsaver is starting to act up so I was considering purchasing a more commercial type sealer in hopes it would last longer and theoretically do a little better job. Overall I have been happy with the Foodsaver but thought I would see if anybody here has had good luck with any other brands???

Any thoughts would be appreciated.

Joe Hulburt

Active Member
Mar 14, 2011
Oregon Coast
I wrap twice in Saran wrap and then heavy layer of butchers paper. Works for me. It lasts long enough for me to eat it without going bad.
That works well for me too as far as storage goes but it's quicker for me to wrap once in Saran Wrap and vacuum seal and it's a lot easier to defrost in a hurry too. If I was smart I would use butcher paper since it is a lot less expensive than Foodsaver brand bags! I need to find less expensive bags....


Very Active Member
Feb 21, 2011
I hear you on the price of foodsaver bags. It cost me almost $90 in bags just to bag my moose, and those bags were bought fairly cheap at Sam's Club. I've had great luck with the Foodsaver brand vacuum sealer, but if I were to buy a new one, I would look at the Cabela's model. Their food processing products have been very reliable.


New Member
Sep 26, 2011
Oklahoma Panhandle
Check out Midwest Research and Supply for bags and sealers. They usually have pretty fair prices. If you get a new sealer I would reccomend a chamber sealer. They cost a lot more, but are much more versitile. The bags are also alot cheaper for them.