Please help.


New Member
Aug 27, 2021
Not sure where to start... When I was 17 years old I was diagnosed with cancer and spent the next year receiving chemo & radiation therapy. This past Jan I received the Covid shot and 10 days later my life fell apart. I was let go from Children's Hospital after 27 years and now being worked up for a Heart Transplant. My son and I had planned this year to have gone hunting for our very first time (both of us).

Now it seems as these dreams my son and I have shared may not happen. This year maybe the only chance I get, ill be sent out of state due to being high risk. I was hoping someone who has sometime would love to help us out. I know that bear, moose are off limits. I can also pay for any lodging, food and supplies as well.

My current condition would limit me to riding out to a spot and mild walking (flat surface mostly). Not sure on what the best area would be and would need some guidance in picking out a tag. I know that nobody owes me anything but hoping this dream might come true.




Veteran member
Nov 30, 2014
Lots of spam posts on here at times, so don't take this the wrong way up front.

If your a real person, call either Colorado, Utah, New Mexico, and Arizona DOW. Ask them if they know of any ranchers that have guided cow elk hunts that include the landowner license. That's your best shot for the kind of hunt you've laided out.