I wanted to get some hands on info from anyone who is familiar with recent info from these areas. I have enough points to draw any of the archery only tags and wanted to get some opinions. Not dead set on these areas yet as I have other options, but could be a fun hunt. PM me and I can trade for info on anything CO.
I grew up in MT and still have plenty of family in Billings, just wanted to get up to date info as most of what I know and family info is 5-10 years old.
I wanted to get some hands on info from anyone who is familiar with recent info from these areas. I have enough points to draw any of the archery only tags and wanted to get some opinions. Not dead set on these areas yet as I have other options, but could be a fun hunt. PM me and I can trade for info on anything CO.
I grew up in MT and still have plenty of family in Billings, just wanted to get up to date info as most of what I know and family info is 5-10 years old.