Gun Confiscation!


Veteran member
Jun 20, 2011
And it will continue to be nothing but talk.

We live in a society that places high value on firearms, easy access to firearms, with no stomach to put any of the things you mentioned in place. Nothing will change, no new laws will be passed.

I'm fine with that, and have come to accept the fact that school shootings and other mass murder committed by firearms is just part of the deal. I expect it to continue and only hope its not someone I know or someone in my family that are the next victims.

The only answer is to build more caskets, arrange more funerals, and bury the dead.
Its horrific but a price to be paid if we are going to be living in a free society. Not sure I would think the same way if it was my child. I lost my oldest son (not to gun violence). Its been hell for me and will be hell for the parents of the victims.

Our school buildings all have a sheriff's deputy assigned to each school (K-12). I believe they are called "resource officers". They are legit sheriffs, not security. I think they also have a couple guys that are security personnel. They have been doing this for as long as my kids have been in school. I assumed having a police presence at school was the norm these days; maybe I'm naïve.

Edit: Forgot to mention, all doors are locked and controlled by office personell. Everyone must be buzzed in. And you are greeted by a sheriff's deputy and security. Drivers license scanned and then badges given.
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Mar 28, 2016
Gypsum, Co
The problem with what happened today from what I understand is that the perp just ran into the school and started shooting.

So unless the security or resource officer was right there I doubt that anything would of changed.

I remember way back when I was in grade school and traveled around with my dad as he worked in different cities that some of the schools that I went to had a very tall 10' or so fence all the way around it, then when the gates were open there always was someone standing there watching who came onto the school grounds. Once school started the gate was closed, I have no idea if it was locked but nobody came in unless they were escorted after they used the intercom to buzz into the office.

The answers are going to be hard to come by and even harder to enforce. But as was mentioned we can spend billions on protecting a far off country but we can't find the money to protect our children.


Very Active Member
Apr 15, 2015
The problem with what happened today from what I understand is that the perp just ran into the school and started shooting.

So unless the security or resource officer was right there I doubt that anything would of changed.

I remember way back when I was in grade school and traveled around with my dad as he worked in different cities that some of the schools that I went to had a very tall 10' or so fence all the way around it, then when the gates were open there always was someone standing there watching who came onto the school grounds. Once school started the gate was closed, I have no idea if it was locked but nobody came in unless they were escorted after they used the intercom to buzz into the office.

The answers are going to be hard to come by and even harder to enforce. But as was mentioned we can spend billions on protecting a far off country but we can't find the money to protect our children.
Protecting children is just not a political priority and we don't demand that it is.

We deserve the Government we elect.
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Very Active Member
Apr 15, 2015
Its horrific but a price to be paid if we are going to be living in a free society. Not sure I would think the same way if it was my child. I lost my oldest son (not to gun violence). Its been hell for me and will be hell for the parents of the victims.

Our school buildings all have a sheriff's deputy assigned to each school (K-12). I believe they are called "resource officers". They are legit sheriffs, not security. I think they also have a couple guys that are security personnel. They have been doing this for as long as my kids have been in school. I assumed having a police presence at school was the norm these days; maybe I'm naïve.
I'm sorry about your son, I would imagine it is hell.


Veteran member
Jul 8, 2015

"But as was mentioned we can spend billions on protecting a far off country but we can't find the money to protect our children."

Heading to my kids 5th grade graduation in a few minutes. Makes a guy stop and think for sure.

I truly feel so bad for the parents of those children in Texas. Very sad situation that will likely never be understood or explained.


Veteran member
Apr 23, 2016
And it will continue to be nothing but talk.

We live in a society that places high value on firearms, easy access to firearms, with no stomach to put any of the things you mentioned in place. Nothing will change, no new laws will be passed.

I'm fine with that, and have come to accept the fact that school shootings and other mass murder committed by firearms is just part of the deal. I expect it to continue and only hope its not someone I know or someone in my family that are the next victims.

The only answer is to build more caskets, arrange more funerals, and bury the dead.
it is not just talk . I know you know this because you are not that dumb . bit by bit we make concessions and more laws are passed punishing the innocent for the crimes of the guilty . who, oddly enough , our society would give a pass to.

yup! punish the innocent and protect the guilty. we live in a truly bizzaro world!

no . the answer is to actually hold people accountable when they break the law and make penalties for doing so harsh enough they might think twice before doing so.

this is the type of penalties we need ... mass shooters should be skinned alive over the course of many days.

rapists should be stripped, tied to a post ,in a pen full of calves and milk poured on their members.

thieves - loss of a finger for minor offenses . increased to made quadro for major offenses.

you catch my drift . releasing them back on the streets is not doing it .
jails are full? fine . let's make it policy that anytime jails fill all inmates regardless of crime they committed are gassed and we reset at zero inmates. I would expect this would deter many from minor crimes.

I know folks are way to squeamish and "civilized" to embrace these things . but this is what it will take at this point.

OR we can just continue to be stupid ( which I have no doubt is the choice our population will make) and just sit back and hope the next time it is not one we care for that is killed.
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Active Member
Aug 8, 2012
Hawley, Texas
Mass shooters do deserve to be skinned alive and then dropped into a tub of fire ants. But they typically die in the shooting. They'd all shoot themselves just before getting captured if their punishment actually fit their crimes. That'd be fine too. But it wouldn't keep any of them from doing it. They're all mentally ill and have a desire to kill a bunch of other people just before they die. Severe punishment wouldn't be a deterrent, unfortunately.

There's no single fix. There are several things that can and should be done that would actually help though. More restrictions on law abiding sane citizens' gun rights wouldn't help.

Securing schools would. The shooter yesterday ran into the school through a back door that wasn't locked. Even if they had an armed policeman in the school, it didn't matter if the shooter went through an unlocked door in a different part of the building. 1 or 2 cops can't be everywhere at all times. Lock the doors. All the time. Fence off the entire campus and keep the gates closed and monitored. Prevent unauthorized access to the building and playgrounds. Yes it would cost money and be inconvenient. But it would be effective in saving lives.

Put armed LEOs in every single school, and allow teachers who want to carry a firearm the freedom to do so. Make schools hard targets. Most of them are soft targets today, and that's unbelievably stupid.

Actually dealing with mental illness effectively would help. Bring back mental hospitals and fill them with the people who should be there - like this punk yesterday. That would cost money too. But it would be effective in saving lives.

Stop promoting all the literally insane woke ideologies in schools and everywhere else. Bring God and morality and personal responsibility and love for your neighbors back into the schools and the rest of society. There will still be evil, but there will be less of it - and more good.

Stop the government's enabling of bad and irresponsible behavior through way too much welfare. Help the helpless. But encourage everyone who is able-bodied to work and be responsible for themselves. The welfare state has destroyed the American family. Broken families produce broken kids, which grow up to be broken adults.

I'm sure there are more positive steps others can add. But these things are a much-needed starting place. Less freedom and more government is NEVER the answer, regardless of what the problems are. If we can't see that fact after going through the last 2 years, we're doomed.

dan maule

Veteran member
Jan 3, 2015
Upper Michigan
“Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom.”
I cannot begin to imagine what these families are going through! The amount of evil that our society tolerates and even promotes will continue to lead to EVIL people doing EVIL things which will result in less freedom for all.


Veteran member
Apr 23, 2016
Mass shooters do deserve to be skinned alive and then dropped into a tub of fire ants. But they typically die in the shooting. They'd all shoot themselves just before getting captured if their punishment actually fit their crimes. That'd be fine too. But it wouldn't keep any of them from doing it. They're all mentally ill and have a desire to kill a bunch of other people just before they die. Severe punishment wouldn't be a deterrent, unfortunately.

There's no single fix. There are several things that can and should be done that would actually help though. More restrictions on law abiding sane citizens' gun rights wouldn't help.

Securing schools would. The shooter yesterday ran into the school through a back door that wasn't locked. Even if they had an armed policeman in the school, it didn't matter if the shooter went through an unlocked door in a different part of the building. 1 or 2 cops can't be everywhere at all times. Lock the doors. All the time. Fence off the entire campus and keep the gates closed and monitored. Prevent unauthorized access to thm opened back up.e building and playgrounds. Yes it would cost money and be inconvenient. But it would be effective in saving lives.

Put armed LEOs in every single school, and allow teachers who want to carry a firearm the freedom to do so. Make schools hard targets. Most of them are soft targets today, and that's unbelievably stupid.

Actually dealing with mental illness effectively would help. Bring back mental hospitals and fill them with the people who should be there - like this punk yesterday. That would cost money too. But it would be effective in saving lives.

Stop promoting all the literally insane woke ideologies in schools and everywhere else. Bring God and morality and personal responsibility and love for your neighbors back into the schools and the rest of society. There will still be evil, but there will be less of it - and more good.

Stop the government's enabling of bad and irresponsible behavior through way too much welfare. Help the helpless. But encourage everyone who is able-bodied to work and be responsible for themselves. The welfare state has destroyed the American family. Broken families produce broken kids, which grow up to be broken adults.

I'm sure there are more positive steps others can add. But these things are a much-needed starting place. Less freedom and more government is NEVER the answer, regardless of what the problems are. If we can't see that fact after going through the last 2 years, we're doomed.
right on! all plans I could get on board with . but never will I support any bill that punishes all for the actions of a few.
locking the doors seems like a no brainer . even in the no brainer society we live in.
but if the doors are locked the idiots will cry fire hazard and get em opened back up.
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Veteran member
Apr 23, 2016
“Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom.”
I cannot begin to imagine what these families are going through! The amount of evil that our society tolerates and even promotes will continue to lead to EVIL people doing EVIL things which will result in less freedom for all.
all one need do is take a look at our "elected" officials.
those we elect , assuming the elections aren't rigged which they are, .but I digress.... those this nation elects directly reflect what this nation has become !
it is my belief that every citizen of this nation deserves every bad thing that befalls them!
even myself.
we let the nation become what it is because we were to " civilized " to fight for what is right and to frightened we might offend the most offensive.


Active Member
Aug 8, 2012
Hawley, Texas
right on! all plans I could get on board with . but never will I support any bill that punishes all for the actions of a few.
locking the doors seems like a no brainer . even in the no brainer society we live in.
but if the doors are locked the idiots will cry fire hazard and get em opened back up.
Locked doors can prevent people on the outside from getting in, but still allow those inside to get out. Hit the bar on the inside to open the door. No fire hazard.
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Mr Drysdale

Active Member
Mar 24, 2013
There's lots of politicians that are not in favor of funding education, check their voting records.

Same way that finding money for a 20 year war in the Middle East was never a concern or any kind of problem. Education, mental health, taking care of the homeless, welfare programs, affordable health care? Yeah, sorry, we just don't have the funds and we have to worry about how that's going to impact the deficit and federal budget.

Never changes because we don't demand it, and we vote for a team, not policy.
Follow the money! There is not nearly as much for the politicians to make by protecting our children as there is where they are spending our dollars.


Veteran member
Apr 23, 2016
never look to a politician to make life better. only you can do that.
in the history of the world no politician has ever solved a problem they didn't first create.


Mar 21, 2017
United States
right on! all plans I could get on board with . but never will I support any bill that punishes all for the actions of a few.
locking the doors seems like a no brainer . even in the no brainer society we live in.
but if the doors are locked the idiots will cry fire hazard and get em opened back up.
You use panic hardware, like in many public buildings and military installations. Locked from the outside but not locked from the inside... just push the bar and leave!
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Veteran member
Apr 23, 2016
always an uptick in shooting whenever the libs are ready to move on guns.

only a fool thinks this is coincidence! everything is a conspiracy!:alien:
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Veteran member
Apr 23, 2016
And it will continue to be nothing but talk.

We live in a society that places high value on firearms, easy access to firearms, with no stomach to put any of the things you mentioned in place. Nothing will change, no new laws will be passed.

I'm fine with that, and have come to accept the fact that school shootings and other mass murder committed by firearms is just part of the deal. I expect it to continue and only hope its not someone I know or someone in my family that are the next victims.

The only answer is to build more caskets, arrange more funerals, and bury the dead.
large groups.jpg the very reason the constitution is set up the way it is and the very reason traitors would tear it down.


Veteran member
Apr 23, 2016
“Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom.”
I cannot begin to imagine what these families are going through! The amount of evil that our society tolerates and even promotes will continue to lead to EVIL people doing EVIL things which will result in less freedom for all.
when a society embraces all things evil it is no wonder when bad shit happens.

banning guns would not even curb the violence.
want to stop mass shootings ? it begins with repenting of YOUR wicked ways!

this applies to all citizens of this nation. stop pretending to care about your children and actually begin to care about them!