Backpack Hunting Pictures!


Veteran member
Jul 8, 2015
It looks cool but I can assure you that he was miserable the entire trip and if I wouldn't have given him that tarp (My tents floor protector)....he would have packed up and headed home.

That was an absolutely horrible setup and that tent leaked like a sieve lol


Active Member
Jan 25, 2014
Creston BC Canada
WOW- Joseph, that last picture is incredible!!
Thanks that picture was taken at sunrise from right in front of my tent early October(you can just see a dusting of snow). There is a larger lake just behind my tent where we always catch enough cutthroat for our supper. We get up early and hunt then spend late morning/early afternoon fishing while glassing the alpine bowl surrounding the lake on three sides. Then off for a late afternoon /evening hunt. In fact the first picture is of the larger lake from up on the ridge where I spend my afternoons, you can make out the smaller lake center right. The two lakes are connected by a small creek.
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