Backpack Hunting Pictures!


Mar 31, 2015
Evening before opening day of sept elk season last year here in AZ. It was an epic sunset! I had a big bowl of tag soup last year, but I drew it again this year! Can't wait to see these Sept backcountry sunsets and listen to bugles from my tent again!

Colorado Cowboy

Super Moderator
Jun 8, 2011
Dolores, Colorado
You guys have some great picts, thanks for sharing.

I have literally hundreds (maybe 1,000's) of 35mm slides I have takes in 50 years of backpack and backcountry hunting. Hard to get them out and look at them. Most have been stored away for years. Technology is wonderful and todays digital equipment is almost like science fiction to us oldsters who hauled around the old SLR heavyweights! Just couldn't carry the old 35, lenses, filters and light meters around without hiring a pack mule to do it LOL!

I'll just keep mine in my minds eye!


Veteran member
Jan 21, 2014

Camp and goat loaded. Ready(well, not really ready, but not much other choice:)) for the long trek out!


Veteran member
Jan 21, 2014
Go hunting, no pictures of the goat?
I think I put it on a thread last year. It was our first goat hunt. I drew a Kodiak tag and was lucky to be able to drag my brother and brother-in-law(AK resident) along. I've sheep hunted a couple times, but that was my first real taste of the really thick alders and it was a learning experience for sure. I was successful and came home with a beautiful goat, but I was a little frustrated with myself, as my judging skills were less than stellar and I kind of jumped the gun. We stayed on the hill for a few more days and I'm confident next time I'll be more patient and know what to look for. We also slayed the silvers for a couple days after we packed out. The whole adventure was incredible. I think my brother-in-law and I are gonna give it another shot in a OTC unit this year. He'll have a tag too, so he will be first priority, since he hasn't taken a goat yet. If we're lucky I'll get an opportunity also. Just in case I didn't, I'll post some of my favorite pics from the trip. Thanks sneakypete, it's been fun reliving the hunt!