Apps Are In


Veteran member
Feb 21, 2012
Two Harbors, Minnesota
Well, I finally got the two guys who I have been prompting to buy points since their last hunt in CO in 2008 to apply for an elk tag. Even with reminders they dropped the ball a few times and have 8. We had focused on a MZL elk hunt which would take 7 to draw (NR), but after all these years they weren't comfortable with that and decided to apply for the 1st rifle that only takes 3 or 4. I've been back hunting in CO 5 times elk & deer) since we started, so I only have 1 pt., but that's good enough for a cow tag. Either way, unless they screw up the app., it's a sure draw. Apps. have to be in by April 6th, so game on.
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Very Active Member
Jun 28, 2015
Southern Indiana
I put mine in about a week ago. Currently just points for everything except deer, trying for another early rifle hunt. I may still modify my elk application, haven't decided for sure yet.


Mar 28, 2016
Gypsum, Co
Just a muzzle loader deer tag hopefully this year. If not for my first choice then perhaps for my second and if not that then I should draw my third choice. That is unless this covid madness carries over to this years draw.

Good luck


Veteran member
Jul 8, 2015
Points for me this season. Need to get on that pretty soon. I normally wait until a couple days before the deadline to do it though. Just in case something else falls through.


Veteran member
Mar 27, 2014
Woodland Park, Colorado
Mallards, just FYI. In Colorado you can change your app on-line right up until the deadline. So if you want to it’s ok to apply early, you can update it later if necessary (any time before the deadline).


Mar 2, 2014
Hoping for a 3rd season deer tag. I've got more points than were needed last year, now just wait and see if it's enough to draw this year. Betting 3rd and 4th seasons are crazy point creep in some units this year.
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New Member
Nov 16, 2020
Denver, CO
First year putting in for the draw. Chose a unit that I have 90% chance as my first choice for 2R elk, as OTC is always an option. Went for muley points. Best of luck to everyone on their draws!
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Veteran member
Apr 7, 2011
West Side, MoMo
Well, I finally got the two guys who I have been prompting to buy points since their last hunt in CO in 2008 to apply for an elk tag. Even with reminders they dropped the ball a few times and have 8. We had focused on a MZL elk hunt which would take 7 to draw (NR), but after all these years they weren't comfortable with that and decided to apply for the 1st rifle that only takes 3 or 4. I've been back hunting in CO 5 times elk & deer) since we started, so I only have 1 pt., but that's good enough for a cow tag. Either way, unless they screw up the app., it's a sure draw. Apps. have to be in by April 6th, so game on.
Just got my app in today as well. Judging by the point requirements, I think we're headed the same direction. Best of luck to you!
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Active Member
Aug 8, 2012
South Texas
My hunting partners and I are in for 2nd rifle deer, historically we should have an extra point but who knows this year. If no luck on deer tags it’s OTC elk or leftovers. Good luck everybody!


Very Active Member
Feb 15, 2012
The high plains of Colorado
I put in for hunts in August, September, October and November. I am on the edge of drawing the August Antelope tag but should draw all the others. I like to spread them out so I dedicate time to each hunt. I use to only be able to take a couple of days off and tried to crowd too many tags in a short time, I had to plan my hunts around my work. Now I'm able to basically plan my work around my hunts.
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