Anybody hunt 100 last year?


New Member
Mar 19, 2011
Thinking of going the long odds for 100 this year. I think some on here drew it last year. How did it go?

Colorado Cowboy

Super Moderator
Jun 8, 2011
Dolores, Colorado
100 for elk is worse than winning the lottery!!! If I remember there are less than 20 NR tags and the odds are are less than 1%. Been trying to draw 100 for years and the last 6 were with max points. If you don't have max points, its a waste of time and then even with them, the odds are really against you.

Umpqua Hunter

Veteran member
May 26, 2011
North Umpqua, Oregon
I would agree that odds are against you without max points, but this year WITH max points an applicant should have about a 9% chance (1 in 11) to draw in with the regular license and about a 20% chance (1 in 5) for the special license. Another 3-5 years and the odds should be extremely good. I drew the tag way back in 1990. Pretty darn easy area to hunt. Antelope hunted the same area last year and we saw a few elk, though we weren't really looking for them.


New Member
Mar 19, 2011
Thanks for the reply . I'm in the max point draw also. Umpqua hunter I've hunted antelope in A 92 several years ago. Is this were you hunted this past year?