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    Dove Hunting, Who Does It?

    Can't wait for Tuesday!!!
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    Am I getting a tag?

    Don't have to worry about it now. Apparently they messed up the first draw. What a joke!!
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    Am I getting a tag?

    What do you guys think the odds are of me getting a tag?
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    New rifle

    Don't scratch it!!!
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    Sheep Hunting Video Young Girl Sheep Slam

    Great kid, great dad! Thanks for posting this.
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    2020 Fishing

    Middle son's been killin the crappie!
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    2020 Fishing

    Fun morning with my two youngest!
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    When will Utah start charging cards?

    What is it!?
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    When will Utah start charging cards?

    Today the day?
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    When will Utah start charging cards?

    Any CC hits?
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    What is your go to elk rifle / ammunition combo?

    .338 WM with 225 gr. Partitions.
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    Found a big one

    Many-a-slip betwinxt a cup and a lip...but that's hunting! Congrats on a great consultation bull!!
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    Decline in moose preference point purchases?

    If I were you, I'd be hunting cow bison in the Henry Mts. this year! I've only got 7 Utah bison pts, but I'll be applying for a cow tag every year until I draw. Cow will still make a lot of steak, a nice European mount and a great hunt!
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    Best hunting binoculars?

    Get some Mavens! Fairly cheap and awesome!
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    Holding out for a Monster!

    We'll, I was holding out for a giant or nothing, but I'm not good at that! So I shot a decent one right behind the house instead. Nothing better than getting one from your own property. Has some character too. Bladed brows, kinda palmated beams and a kicker. I like him...last day of the season too!
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    Need an Eastern Bird towards my slam

    Lots of places to go diy for an eastern cheap and with good success rates. Doubt you want to come all the way to Indiana, but if you do I can give you some ideas.
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    First Buck!

    My middle son shot his first Buck last weekend. Heart shot at 84 yards with his .243. He has been talking about killing a buck nearly every day since tagging a button buck last year. He couldn't have been happier with his little 8 pointer, and I couldn't be prouder!!
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    Pahvant Elk Tag..Paint Me Picture!