how many of you belong to the NRA and should I renew my membership


Mar 28, 2016
Gypsum, Co
I've been a endowment life member for a long time now and in my opinion you should renew your membership.

If you have questions ask yourself this one question "who is working night and day for my rights to own a firearm"

There are others out there. I also belonged to the Second Amendment Organization for a while until they tried to strong arm me into a donation that they said that I committed to. But they are not no where near as vocal or organized as the NRA is.

Yes, there are problem in the top tier of the NRA but any organization that size will have problems in the same areas.
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disabled combat vet

Active Member
Jul 13, 2019
Pueblo, Colorado
I've been a patron life member for a long time now and in my opinion you should renew your membership.

If you have questions ask yourself this one question "who is working night and day for my rights to own a firearm"

There are others out there. I also belonged to the Second Amendment Organization for a while until they tried to strong arm me into a donation that they said that I committed to. But they are not no where near as vocal or organized as the NRA is.

Yes, there are problem in the top tier of the NRA but any organization that size will have problems in the same areas.
Thank You, Jim I really appreciate your advice and answer. Thanks Again, Scott
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Veteran member
Apr 23, 2016
the leadership is crooked but the organization as a whole has done a lot of good .

only you can make the decision wether or not YOU think the good outweighs the bad.

tough call . kicking wayne to the curb would sure simplify the matter.
I would only say that when they call me to renew , I ask them if wayne is still there .

when they say yes , I tell them to get f$%^#d.
I personally would rather defend my guns myself then support crooks who do not have my back anyhow.

only the loss of dollars will have any impact on change in the organization.

whatever you choose , my advice is , never become a lifer . once they have your money your opinion means nothing to them.
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Colorado Cowboy

Super Moderator
Jun 8, 2011
Dolores, Colorado
I am an Endowment Life Member and have been since I was 18 years old (62 years ago). The NRA has changed, as society itself has changed. There is (and has been for years) a lot of sentiment out there to enact all kinds of restrictions on ownership and our use of firearms. Some are probably good, but most are not. The only organization with enough clout to represent gun owners effectively is the NRA. The NRA has had it's internal problems, but members do have a say in how the organization is run. I vote every year on who represents me on the NRA's Board of Directors.

I would encourage every gun owner to join and not just send money. Find you local chapter of Friends of the NRA and help out.

Rich M

Very Active Member
Oct 16, 2012
Life member here. Believe that every gun owner should be a member.

They are the only gun organization that the Dems complain about or even mention. That should be enough right there.

Anyway, for your $35 you get to help protect the 2nd Amendment from foes on both sides of the isle, a $2,000 life insurance policy, a pocket knife/backpack/whatever, and a hunting or shooting magazine - think you can select from 3 magazines.

We'll see what happens with this shooting and the "rage" or should we say "upwelling of emotion" that goes with it. Will the NRA be visible? Will the media report if they do anything? Will another gun group stand up? Will the govt lackeys use this event to push for bans and confiscations? Time will tell.


Veteran member
Mar 27, 2014
Woodland Park, Colorado
Scott, In short ... yes.
I'm now a Benefactor Life Member and I first became a Life Member at 16.
Some people get caught up in the small picture and focus on Wayne ... but that's missing the big picture.
As has been said, if you own a gun you should join, no other organization will defend our gun rights like the NRA.
Like you, I was in the military (for 27 years) so I know how much your gun rights probably mean to you.


Veteran member
Jun 20, 2011
Wayne LaPierre went on a shopping spree and purchased $278,000 worth of merchandise. $10,000 suits, $800 ties, Rolex Watches, etc. He then expensed the purchase which was paid for by NRA members. He then took his family on some ultra lux vacations totaling $250,000. He expensed those vacations too, so NRA members paid for that. You would think a salary of $2.15 million that maybe he should pay for his own families vacations and his own suits. Oh yeah, he got a 57% pay increase in 2018 while the financials at the NRA were in a tail spin. Board members are just as despicable by approving that. When Wayne retires he will get his full salary for 10 years. That's almost 50,000 members paying wayne to sit on his ass on a beach somewhere. When Chris Cox and Oliver North called Wayne's behavior into question the board quickly removed them from the organization. There are hundreds of pages of just crazy and reckless spending and no accountability.

And from what I have seen, the NRA has done nothing to fix the issues. Same old Same old. Rich boys club. All this misbehavior is like a kick in the gut to an organization that so many of us has trusted to protect the 2nd amendment. I simply give to pro-hunting conservation minded organizations like RMEF, BHA, etc.


Veteran member
Jun 20, 2011
I guess the membership is ok paying for waynes armani suits, rolex watches, and family vacations. He has been relected. How can someone so crooked continue to hold on to power?



Very Active Member
Feb 28, 2011
LaPorte, IN
I quit supporting them after their ramrodding of crossguns into the Illinois archery season. Since when does defending 2nd amendment rights have anything to do with wildlife management? They need to stick to their mission statement.


Eastmans' Staff / Moderator
Staff member
Feb 3, 2014
I have never jumped on the bandwagon for the NRA. The FPC is one where I try to donate to specific cases.