2021 Hunting Goals


Jul 1, 2019
Morning guys! No that app. season is coming to an end. What goals do you have for yourself for the fall?

Here are mine!
- Control the controllables - test gear, get prepared physically during the preseason months.
- Hit the rifle range at least once a week.
- Shoot a mature bull this fall
- Have a good time!


Staff member
"Sure are cocky for a starvin' pilgrim!" Good goals youngblood... here's mine.

1. Lose 25 pounds by Sept. 1 (I'm down 10 now)
2. Help coworkers kill archery bulls
3. Help my wife kill another booner antelope and a mature whitetail buck
4. Hunt with my kids as much as possible from a family wall tent camp
5. Get my new pup his first retrieve
6. Enjoy my dad's Wyoming elk hunt and get him a good bull (probably his last)
7. Put a nice OTC bull in the feezer for my family
8. Kill a nice muley buck
9. Fill all my doe/fawn & cow/calf tags so the larders are stuffed with all we need and lots to share as well.
10. Enjoy every single moment I'm afield, not taking anything for granted and praising God each day that I get to spend time in his wonderous creation.
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Colorado Cowboy

Super Moderator
Jun 8, 2011
Dolores, Colorado
First and foremost....get my cataracts fixed, scheduled for July 7!
After that...get some rangetime and work on a new load for my .300 Wby.
Keep on my diet and workout plan, lost 40#. Goal is 20 more before October.
Accompany Winchester on his Colorado Antelope hunt.
Do a little scouting on a new portion of my elk unit.
Fill my deer & elk tags. Hunting with Winchester and looking forward to a new friendship from this forum.


Very Active Member
Jul 9, 2018
Just getting into muzzeloader this year. #1 goal is to build some confidence in it, then have a successful "test trip" with it for an elk hunt. Success doesn't mean meat-in-freezer although that would be great. It just means everything goes together well, I don't leave the dang primers in the truck, etc. Feeling comfortable with it.
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Very Active Member
Oct 4, 2011
Still the same for me or kill a 200” net typical mulie w a 30” inside spread - archery..

Been at it a few years and who knows maybe this is the year. Don’t even have a deer tag yet so got a few obstacles to overcome lol.


Active Member
Aug 8, 2012
South Texas
- Lose the rest of the “Covid” 30ish lbs I packed on and get back in elk shape by Oct 30.

- Help my son fill his NM muzzleloader tag.

-get back in shape enough to hunt my Colorado OTC elk honey/hell hole 2nd season

- get the wife, kids and a few friends decent whitetails at our south Texas place.
- same standard goal as always - don’t get bit by a rattlesnake. But that’s also a daily goal.


Veteran member
Feb 25, 2014
Eastern Nebraska
3 main goals this year-

#1 help my son during his first year of archery deer hunting. Baseball will be over in about a week so our #1 focus will be to get him into good form and build shooting confidence over the next 2-3 months.
#2 help my son on his first Wyoming hunt. We both drew any antelope tags so we will be shooting his rifle out to 300 yards and also teaching him how to shoot prone.
#3 make the most out of a great LQ mule deer hunt in Wyoming with friends. It's getting harder and harder to draw these hunts so I really want to enjoy every minute of it.


Very Active Member
Feb 28, 2011
LaPorte, IN
I just want to get my regular flexible job back in place of temporary Covid furlough job which chains me to a desk 8-5 daily. Since I didn’t draw any western tags I’ll scout my 2022 Colorado elk unit this September during a Denver business trip. Cashing 25 points next year so I want to scout it for a week peak rut. HQ is restoring my pre-Covid job August 1st! Finally. Will settle for two slammer special draw whitetail hunts this Oct/Nov.
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Very Active Member
Jun 28, 2015
Southern Indiana
I just want to get my regular flexible job back in place of temporary Covid furlough job which chains me to a desk 8-5 daily. Since I didn’t draw any western tags I’ll scout my 2022 Colorado elk unit this September during a Denver business trip. HQ is restoring my pre-Covid job August 1st! Finally. Will settle for two slammer special draw whitetail hunts this Oct/Nov.
How'd your Hoosier turkey season go @Zim ?
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Very Active Member
Feb 28, 2011
LaPorte, IN
“How'd your Hoosier turkey season go @Zim ?”

Tag filled at sunrise on day 2. Was too easy this year just drove around the property at dusk the evening of day one until I glassed a tom browsing. So I knew he had not been pressured in that spot. Other hunters prolly thought it was too close (300 yards) to the road to bother with, and drove right by. Returned next morning and set up in a ground blind trying my new $40 Rural King jake. The Tom was solo and super pissed I was in his hood. Came running in. Game over. Not a huge one 19#. Was back at my home office working by 8 am. Lol

Did finally get lucky and drew the best public archery deer hunt in Illinois after ten years. A nice consolation prize with my IL LL.


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Mr Drysdale

Active Member
Mar 24, 2013
Kill my first Mule Deer. Drew a non- resident in Wyoming along with my grandson (13). I hunt every day season is open in Mississippi that I’m not at work or church. Mostly solo in the mornings with some company from grandkids in the afternoons. Our season starts October 1 and ends January 31. Enjoy being out there. Good Luck to all!