Wyoming Elk unit 120

J boe

New Member
Mar 10, 2011
A buddy and I are hoping to draw unit 120 for elk this year (it should be close with 5 pts). I don't see much info on 120 on here. Anybody have any experience around there? Anyone know someone that can point us in the right direction or provide access or a drop camp for a fee if needed. We are not afraid of hard work and backpack usually. We have access to horses or quads as well.

J boe

New Member
Mar 10, 2011
Yes I saw that. The MRS says good public access but Im starting to disagree as well. Seems like its all BLM or State land. thanks. My guess is that the elk are on private land if they are there and if you pay for access you might get a bull. Not my type of hunting. Im hoping to be in the high country doing it myself.


Veteran member
Mar 1, 2011
Bend, Orygun
I think there is plenty of access. I was looking at it as to why you would drop camp with all the roads. It also sounded like you were thinking timbered high country, as you stated above and 120 looks to be sparse rocky country. Certainly not a high alpine fir/spruce type mix.

Triple BB

Active Member
Jun 22, 2013
The biggest problem with 120 is too many cow tags. The public access elk are concentrated in several smaller areas within the unit. With all the pressure, they get blown onto private real quick. Not too mention everyone and their dog is riding a quad.