White water


Veteran member
Feb 28, 2011
Saw on another thread were there are several river junkies on here. Who all rafts or kayaks? What rivers are your favorite?

I grew up on the upper klamath, did a couple other small 3s but did get to go on a saftey boat through Burnt Ranch Trinity river run. Wife and I have several trips planned for this summer, as I introduce her to rafting.
South fork or middle fork on the American and at least 1 U K trip.


Veteran member
Apr 23, 2016
been a lot of years but used to float the south fork of the boise . and have floated the south fork of the payette and black canyon on the gunnisen in colo once.

though I did get into the whitewater a few times, I was never a rapids junky . I was in it for the fishing.
gunnisen was an excellent place to catch big browns
also floated the roaring river by glennwood springs a few times . awesome trout fishing
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Veteran member
Feb 21, 2012
Two Harbors, Minnesota
I can't call myself a river junkie, as my whitewater experience has mostly been during extended canoe trips. I've canoed over 3,000 miles in the US and Canada between 2011 and 2017, and have a 360 mile trip to the arctic ocean set up for this coming August. But, I did go on a 5 day whitewater training trip on the Magnetewan River in Ontario in May of 2018. There was a photo journalist along and he took this photo using aMagnetewan River.jpg drone. That is me in the bow of the lead canoe, and the man in the stern is my friend Enos who will be my canoeing partner in the NW Territories.


Veteran member
Jul 8, 2015
I have never had any interest in the whole whitewater thing.

Closest I ever had to whitewater was when I was younger late season goose hunting I almost flipped an 18 foot boat in a raging river (with 4" thick icebergs the size of car hoods roaring down it). That should be worth some form of street cred. ha!

Don't care if I ever do that again....The guy that was with me said he was about to jump out of the boat (Which would have been a very grave choice given the circumstances of the situation).

The things I used to do to shoot a stupid goose.We did shoot a limit that day, which at that time in my life was pretty important apparently....lol
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Team Kabob

Very Active Member
May 9, 2014
Just a few for whitewater for me. Clackamas river in Oregon, Nenana river in Alaska, and did 6mile in Alaska. All of them were fun as they had different challenges and got to bring family along. The lower part of 6mile had some crazy class rapids and the hydraulics were something else for that amount of water flowing. Not white water but I got to wife talked into taking the kids to the boundary waters towards the end of summer next year. Living in KC we don't have whitewater, but a lot of nice rivers to the south to float and be lazy.

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Very Active Member
Aug 11, 2016
I rowed a cat through Hells canyon for my first trip rowing my own boat. Really would love to do more
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Jun 29, 2016
Coastal Maine
Well with a name of MaineCanoe Guide it stands to reason Ive done plenty. The rivers here in Maine run from flat water to terrifying. Most of them are several miles of easy going and then short steep rapids. I'll tell you... scouting a rapid from the top ,picking out a route thru the rocks and then winding thru all that chaos is a blast.
Even an easy rapid that requires picking out a route takes skill and decent paddling skills. The best part is you get to see country that you can't get to any other way. I only use canoes . A 4 day trip on the Alagash or Moose river is really great fun.


Veteran member
Feb 21, 2012
Two Harbors, Minnesota
Kabob; Much of my experience over 55 years of canoeing and then guiding was in the BWCA and Quetico parks. If this is what you meant by a trip to the boundary waters, I can share some possible routes with you. By August, some of the dangerous waters are now runnable, but many others are now too low. Portages are there for a reason, and you can safely go anywhere as long as you don't mind taking the overland route.
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