>>---> Weekly Workout Schedule's <---<<


Veteran member
Sep 13, 2011
My latest and greatest.
this thing will take your man card out of your pocket, slap you in the mouth with it, poop on your lawn and run off. Had it about a week now. Every one of my buddies (some of which were/are special ops marines) leave defeated the first try. Call the next day and say
"Dude! I think I know how to do it now!" No one has conquered it yet.


Very Active Member
Mar 25, 2014
Upton, WY
Have you seen ultimate ninja warrior or whatever its called. They call that thing the salmon ladder. I am a nerd, I know, but those guys are beasts. They fly up it. The use some leg swinging momentum, but still. No way could I do it. I think the one on the show is a little different, pegs are sloped so you don't fall off as easily.
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Veteran member
Sep 13, 2011
You tube made it look super easy! I've never seen American ninja warrior. Apparently I'm about the only one in the world who hasn't. I saw a clip of a tv show called arrow. And then I said "I want one! Now I have a rather large goal erected in my backyard. Pretty cool once I started you tubing it. I researched a lot of body weight calesthetics (spelling?) and the guys who do the "bar" workouts are insanely agile! I remember setting the record in high school for pull ups. 10+ years ago. Went to do a few pull ups a while back and did about 7 of em. That's when it clicked (your getting older drew! Time to pick it up a notch) and I figured what better way to do it then by having a piece of equipment that can and will hurt you if you don't commit!


Veteran member
Mar 20, 2013
How does it work??

I was a little out of sink last week. Had the wife's B-Day and mothers day today. Missed the weekly hike. Back at it tomorrow!!


Veteran member
Mar 24, 2012
SE Idaho
hahaha, you are freaking crazy andrew! i was thinkinking about walking out to throw antlers for my dog for a workout and here you are getting all ninja on us.


Staff member
This time of year is really tough to stick with a program but been keeping at it regular as I can. Weights & Challenge Course: Mon, Wed, Fri. Running & Challenge Course Tuesday, Thurs, Sat. Between birthdays, bachelor parties, Master's Degree, and graduation it is hard to keep it up everyday. Getting worn out.

On a brighter note did Maxs with the Seniors last week... the following are the results
Bench - 185 @ 31 reps. 225 @ 17 reps, max single rep @ 335
Squat - 400 @ 6 reps
Clean & Jerk - 225 @ 6 reps

All in all, not too bad but my cardio still needs a lot of work! Still need to get 20 more pounds off too. RUNNING!


Very Active Member
Mar 25, 2014
Upton, WY
This time of year is really tough to stick with a program but been keeping at it regular as I can. Weights & Challenge Course: Mon, Wed, Fri. Running & Challenge Course Tuesday, Thurs, Sat. Between birthdays, bachelor parties, Master's Degree, and graduation it is hard to keep it up everyday. Getting worn out.

On a brighter note did Maxs with the Seniors last week... the following are the results
Bench - 185 @ 31 reps. 225 @ 17 reps, max single rep @ 335
Squat - 400 @ 6 reps
Clean & Jerk - 225 @ 6 reps

All in all, not too bad but my cardio still needs a lot of work! Still need to get 20 more pounds off too. RUNNING!
Holy cow! Those kindof look like college football player stats.


Very Active Member
Nov 16, 2012
I normally just hoof it on a treadmill in the basement. I either go fast with no weight, or slower with a 45# pack on. I have cut 7# in the last 2 weeks.

I finally got outside with a pack on. I covered about 2500 ft climb and back down in the pouring rain. Great chance to try the new C4E rain coat, the new lowas, and the new trecking poles. I can say I am a total believer in trecking poles.


Veteran member
Mar 20, 2013
Back on track this week! It has been hot here so looks like all the outside work outs will be super early in the mornings. I also looked at the calender and its not that long to go time!! 4 months it will be here before you know it!


Veteran member
Mar 20, 2013
I normally just hoof it on a treadmill in the basement. I either go fast with no weight, or slower with a 45# pack on. I have cut 7# in the last 2 weeks.

I finally got outside with a pack on. I covered about 2500 ft climb and back down in the pouring rain. Great chance to try the new C4E rain coat, the new lowas, and the new trecking poles. I can say I am a total believer in trecking poles.
TT That is a big climb!! Nothing that big around here but I wish there was. What poles are you using?


Staff member
Holy cow! Those kindof look like college football player stats.
Ha, Ha, Ha, yeah I wish I had the cardio of those guys. Just turned 36 and am realizing that cardio is my weak point at 5'11" and 230 strength has never been an issue. In fact my wife teases me that I'm like one of Tolkien's Dwarves; "able to carry astonishingly heavy loads over great distances." She on the other hand is an Elf; 5'9" and 125 and can run like the wind! I"ve never been a runner but plod along anyway. I feel like I get a better more fulfilling workout when I tote a heavy pack up a grade for a couple of miles. I need to get down to about 215 or 220 for the Train to Hunt. I'm not having any difficulty with the challenges now in fact, I've increased the weight in my pack to fifty pounds. But the running between the targets is still killing me. I think if I get some weight off things will be easier.

Kevin Root

Very Active Member
Jun 22, 2011
San Jose, California
Come June, I have a ultra race coming, 55K. It’s the first 55K race I’ve ever done. I’d like to do a good job in it to set a personal new benchmark for me so I’m finding it harder to fit all of what I want to get done, done. Mostly I’d like to shoot my bow more often.

I’m running the below every other day after work and then run intervals at the high school track on off days to bring up some endurance. I still hit the gym in the morning still but I’m focusing more on running and dropped off lifting weights a bit until after the race. The trail I run has a 2,369 ft elevation gain, 2,316 ft elevation loss and it's 10.53 miles total. Pretty relaxing trail run and I enjoy it but I need to keep myself a good pace and heart rate, pushing and letting off to get it in the zone I’m trying to hit. I’m loving my Garmin 620 forerunner. It really is helping me figure out my running better.


Colorado Cowboy

Super Moderator
Jun 8, 2011
Dolores, Colorado
4 Days this week at he gym, ankle seems to be getting a lot better. No gym today as I am off to our local gun show. I have a table and will be there Fri, Sat & Sun.
Down 4# in 10 days. I weigh in the morning as soon as I get up. Everything seems to be getting back on track.
Well bad news! Went to my ankle Dr. yesterday and it looks like the surgery didn't work. More pain that before surgery and it's been 3 months. Nothing more we can do, the ankle is gone, all bone on bone. Am going to a pain mgmt. dr next week and see if there is something that can be done without narcotic pain meds. I need to be able to do some serious walking so I can fill my elk tag in Sept.

I will be going to the Steadman Clinic in Vail for a consult and scheduling for a total ankle replacement this fall. They are one of the best ortho clinics in the country, work on lots of pro athletes, so hope this works out.

Kevin Root

Very Active Member
Jun 22, 2011
San Jose, California
I hope your recovery will go smooth for you CC. It sounds painful for you now and I hope the docs you visit with with get you fixed up and pain free without any narcotics soon. I also hope you are able to get out walking better soon too.


Veteran member
Mar 20, 2013
Dang CC I hate to hear that! I hope they can do something for you. I know how you feel about the narcotics they messed me up after my operation back in January and there was no way I could take them anymore.


Veteran member
Mar 20, 2013
KR 55k!! I don't know what to say that's a mouthful!! I wish you all the luck with it. If that doesn't keep you in shape nothing will!!