Unit 60 sept archery


Feb 17, 2014
I'm looking at doing a unit 60 on a general tag outfitted, I have 4 Pts. Does anyone have any info on this unit? It would be mid sept archery hunt because the outfitters rifle hunts are filled. Your opinions would be appreciated, could I do better with 4 Pts? Could I get a tag and keep my points? Is this a fun hunt?


Very Active Member
Who you thinking of going with? Yellowstone outfitters? ...last year was tough for archery in 60...hot weather didnt help and the full rut never really kicked in until the first week of rifle...I couldnt get a herd bull riled up until the end of september. That doesnt mean its not a fun hunt..depends on which outfitter you are looking at and how their hunting is..You can get into a lot of elk sometimes and have plenty of action, but getting them to "close" that final distance for bow is very dependent on the bull and how hot they are...the closer to the rifle opener you can go the better IMO...Also an adventure you wont forget nonetheless...amazing country and experience


Very Active Member
Gotcha...I have heard of him..but dont know enough about him to steer you one way or the other...He is more on the Cody side, and the hunting that way is very dependent on the outfitter...some of the guys continue to have good hunting..others are struggling, but still book a bunch of new hunters each year...Definitely ask him for a contact list and what his opportunity/success is of archery clients and if he gets return clients...The outfit i have worked for the past 5 years has a full archery camp of return hunters each year basically...its a big factor in determining a reputable outfitter from one that packs hunters in just to fill the bank account. . Yellowstone outfitters were our neighbor and are a great group of hard-working guys...only reason i brought their name up.


Feb 17, 2014
Mtnnguide thanks for the replies, all he has left is archery but I was looking for a rifle hunt, I can go either way, any suggestions