Titanium Atom Broadheads


New Member
Feb 2, 2012
Was wondering if anyone else has tried these highly unusual broadheads? My experience has been incredible on elk and deer. Had one doe rear up on her hind legs and fall over dead like I shot her with a gun! Had an arrow tip a branch at 50-yds and deflect the arrow square in the shoulder of a small bull elk. Arrow penetrated both shoulders and broke off 8-inches on the other side, he went 70-yds.
That said, the thing is wild and somewhat controversial, because the "blades" are titanium wire. You seriously will not need to re-sight your bow to shoot these from field points, because there is no planing from the wires. Plus, the reason my arrow penetrated shoulder bone was the fact that the blades compress when going through bone, and snap back into the soft flesh. Both entrance and exit holes were the diameter of my arrow, not the blades. Only problem is, the wires are not razor-sharp. They work great, but it is a disconcerting thing to look at. Was wondering what everyone else's thought were on these broadheads?


New Member
Jul 18, 2011
I have been interested in these starting last year but took the conservative route trying to stay with fixed blades. My problem at 354 fps its hard to get the fixed blades to fly. My brother was successful with similar setup but he shoots different arrows. I shot swackers last year they are ok probable 1/3 larger group at 80yds. Which model do you have I am not sure if I want to go with the 75 or the 100. The 75 has an aluminum body with a titanium tip not sure if I trust an aluminum body after testing a couple mechanical's that sheared off right behind the chisel point hitting the edge of a 2 by 4.


Veteran member
May 19, 2011
Reno, Nevada, United States
I have been interested in these starting last year but took the conservative route trying to stay with fixed blades. My problem at 354 fps its hard to get the fixed blades to fly. My brother was successful with similar setup but he shoots different arrows. I shot swackers last year they are ok probable 1/3 larger group at 80yds. Which model do you have I am not sure if I want to go with the 75 or the 100. The 75 has an aluminum body with a titanium tip not sure if I trust an aluminum body after testing a couple mechanical's that sheared off right behind the chisel point hitting the edge of a 2 by 4.
354 fps!!! That's friggin fast! What bow and poundage do you shoot?


Active Member
Jun 3, 2011
I used em successfully once, I shot a calf Elk with one and it left a massive hole through and through, on the other hand I shot a mule deer the same year with one, and the razor wire came out of the slots and only left a hole the size of a field point and I had to shoot the deer again, this time with a rage and it did the job, my friend had the same thing happen to him last year on his deer.


Very Active Member
Sep 30, 2011
Lewistown, MT
Save your money and don't buy them. I just got some a few days ago and I shot them through a leather glove and there was only a tiny hole, the wires hardly cut the leather. Also I wanted to test the theory that they fly like a field point, so I shot the second arrow at 70 yards. I could actually hear the arrow fly through the air and it sounded like a rattle snake, then the arrow flew about 8 inches below where my field points hit. I had my block on top of a plastic bucket, and the broadhead hit the bucket and made a complete pass through, however just by going through the plastic one of the "titanium" wires broke completely off and I never could find it. Absolutely disapointed in the broadheads, especially after reading all the "science" that was supposedly used in making these that the maker put on his website. What a waste of money!!


Active Member
Jul 28, 2011
Fort Collins, CO
I was impressed by the theory behind this broadhead. So I put one on and fired it into a block foam target at 40 yds. When I pulled it out both wires broke. I have no idea how this broadhead supposedly to a sledgehammer blow on concrete. Very disapointing. Junk IMHO