Rifle Scope


Mar 28, 2016
Gypsum, Co
Leopold, Leopold, Leopold.

While Vortex has a great warranty it is no better than the Leopold's. For the money you can get two Leopold's for the price of a single Swaro and you won't gain much with the extra cost of the Swaro.
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Staff member
Feb 22, 2011
Reno Nv
I like Sig, Vortex and Leupold

like Idcwby asked the right scope could depend on what your plans are for it.


Veteran member
Feb 25, 2014
Eastern Nebraska
I have been a Leupold fan most of my life. They have served me well but the last model fell a bit short of expectations. My newest rifle has a Trijicon. Jury is still out but so far its a pretty amazing scope.


Jun 23, 2015
Just want a old school crosshairs simple..... i just want to put up and aim and squeeze
Out of your choices I would go with the Swarovski, better glass for sure and you don’t hear about them having issues.
If you want a good bombproof scope, check out the Nightforce SHV in 3-10x42.


Mar 28, 2016
Gypsum, Co
Out of your choices I would go with the Swarovski, better glass for sure and you don’t hear about them having issues.
If you want a good bombproof scope, check out the Nightforce SHV in 3-10x42.
On another forum there is a huge discussion going on right now about scopes. The consensus is that price for price the Leopold VX6 is every bit as good as the Swarovski and for less money. But for 99% of the time the Leopold VX3 line will work just as well as the Swarovski and this is coming from hunters who can spend what they want.

But it is agreeable that the Nightforce is the strongest scope out there, but weigh quite a bit more.


Jun 23, 2015
On another forum there is a huge discussion going on right now about scopes. The consensus is that price for price the Leopold VX6 is every bit as good as the Swarovski and for less money. But for 99% of the time the Leopold VX3 line will work just as well as the Swarovski and this is coming from hunters who can spend what they want.

But it is agreeable that the Nightforce is the strongest scope out there, but weigh quite a bit more.
Nothing against Leupold, I’m currently using their Mk5 on a rifle and have used them off and on for years, but be careful with the VX6 line. I’ve read a lot about them having trouble maintaining zero and had a buddy experience it also, which is why I started looking into them more. Hopefully they have the issue fixed.
Scopes seem to be one the biggest discussions any more and was having one the other day, when it was brought up that all the good quality scope made now have glass quality that will get past shooting light. Thought about it for awhile and I couldn’t think of a scope that wouldn’t do it. All the ones listed above will.