Onyx Phone AP


Veteran member
Jan 22, 2014
I know there's been a lot of chatter lately about hte Onyx chip. And I for one really love mine. But I was wondering if anyone has actually used the Android or iPhone AP in the field yet. I was considering getting this AP as well. Truth be told...I actually like my phone topo better than my GPS. The screen is much better and I can see it more clearly. And one person in our group doesn't have a GPS with chip capabilites, so I mentioned this AP to him.


Jul 30, 2014
NW Nebraska
I agree on smart phone>GPS. There was a promotion for RMEF where if you signed up you got the onxmap app for free. Pretty good deal.


Veteran member
Jan 22, 2014
I know there's been a lot of chatter lately about hte Onyx chip. And I for one really love mine. But I was wondering if anyone has actually used the Android or iPhone AP in the field yet. I was considering getting this AP as well. Truth be told...I actually like my phone topo better than my GPS. The screen is much better and I can see it more clearly. And one person in our group doesn't have a GPS with chip capabilites, so I mentioned this AP to him.

I may just do that deal.....I am just hoping it works well, and has at least close to the functionality that the GPS version has. Thanks!

D.Turvey Jr

Eastmans' Staff / Moderator
Feb 11, 2014
Powell, WY
I use the iPhone App and have had nothing but success with it. Make sure to cache the areas you'll be hunting in for offline use and you'll be golden. I use mine for hunting and it really shines on my trapline. I mark my set locations as a point and continue on. It really helps on a long line in not forgetting where your sets are at. Then I can also determine the most expedient manner in which to run my line. I also use the desktop version to find likely locations (trapping or hunting) then I pin those points into my phone for in the field recon. There is much more that this system can do than I am explaining here. Do a little digging and I am sure you'll like what you come up with.


Active Member
Nov 9, 2011
I use their app on the Moto X, which is Android based. Caching the maps is easy and having a larger screen that the phone provides in comparison to a GPS is fantastic!


Veteran member
Jan 22, 2014
Thanks, this is what I was looking for. Will the phones GPS work in airplane mode? Or do you have to keep it on (searching for signal and draining battery)?


Veteran member
Oct 25, 2012
I also just bought this for my Android phone and was wondering the same thing. If you cache the maps, will it still show where you are even with no service? I have heard that Android phones will work in air plane mode.


Veteran member
Jan 22, 2014
I also just bought this for my Android phone and was wondering the same thing. If you cache the maps, will it still show where you are even with no service? I have heard that Android phones will work in air plane mode.
I know for sure it will work where there's no service. Just not sure about when in airplane mode.


Veteran member
Jan 22, 2014
Not a problem, and thank you!
No problem, just called.

According to Dave: It is preferred that you use it in field/airplane mode due to battery concerns, and the AP wanting to use what little service you may have to download maps.

Answered my question!! I'm gonna go ahead and get it myself. Hope this helps MNH!


Active Member
Aug 23, 2011
Andover, Minnesota
Check with the local game and fish. I spoke with a Warden in WY last year when hunting some fractured BLM and he said to be careful as if a landower contested whether or not we were on Public or private the phone app won't hold up in court. I know this is a ridculous issue, as cell phones use the same GPS technology as a handheld, but the courts apparently don't see it that way.

I use both, but always track my movement on my GPS, just to be safe. I use my phone app mostly to look at the overhead imagery in relation to boundaries.

With the OnX you can cache content for the area you will be hunting ahead of time and then run your phone in airplane mode. It saves a bunch of battery life.