Missing some forum friends


Veteran member
Jul 26, 2012
Has anyone heard from Umpqua Hunter in a while? I know he had won a hunt somewhere. Hope it went well and that he hasn't gone the way of Musket Man or Bitterroot Bulls!


Veteran member
Mar 9, 2014
Every once in a while I’ll reach out via p.m. to some of the regulars who go missing for a couple months. Some reach back out some do not. I don’t know if you were call, but there was a gentleman on the forum by the name of fFying Pig He posted a lot in the workout thread and I was just getting over a knee surgery recovery and then went off the radar.
We also posted back-and-forth via p.m. and I fear the worst. I even checked a few other outdoor forms thinking he may use the same handle which he did once I located him. But he went silent across the board
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Veteran member
Jul 26, 2012
Every once in a while I’ll reach out via p.m. to some of the regulars who go missing for a couple months. Some reach back out some do not. I don’t know if you were call, but there was a gentleman on the forum by the name of fFying Pig He posted a lot in the workout thread and I was just getting over a knee surgery recovery and then went off the radar.
We also posted back-and-forth via p.m. and I fear the worst. I even checked a few other outdoor forms thinking he may use the same handle which he did once I located him. But he went silent across the board
I'm not on the fitness thread much, which is probably why I'm out of shape!


Staff member
Feb 22, 2011
Reno Nv
Jim is on FB a lot. He just sold his home and relocated. UH
MM had some family losses and was down for awhile. I messaged him over a year ago and he said his life had changed and wasn’t really into the forums anymore
BB is on IG and doing well. I think he has also moved on but is still heavily in the Outdoor community just on other platforms


Veteran member
Jul 26, 2012
Jim is on FB a lot. He just sold his home and relocated. UH
MM had some family losses and was down for awhile. I messaged him over a year ago and he said his life had changed and wasn’t really into the forums anymore
BB is on IG and doing well. I think he has also moved on but is still heavily in the Outdoor community just on other platforms
Thanks Trent. I've only actually met 3-4 forum members in person. But after a while some just feel like friends.


Veteran member
Mar 9, 2014
Agreed. I try to meet with someone on the forum when I travel west from Ohio each year. Doesn't always work out, but I try.
This year covid was the issue.... ;-(
Family here.
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Veteran member
Dec 13, 2011
Agreed. I try to meet with someone on the forum when I travel west from Ohio each year. Doesn't always work out, but I try.
This year covid was the issue.... ;-(
Family here.
Me and you arent to far from each other one of these days we need to meet up when covid isnt running the show on expos and other get togethers


Veteran member
Mar 9, 2014
Me and you arent to far from each other one of these days we need to meet up when covid isnt running the show on expos and other get togethers
Absolutely. We talked about this last year and one of the Midwest Deer/Turkey Expos. Darn Covid derailed most everything good this year.
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Mar 28, 2016
Gypsum, Co
On one of the sadder notes I had a great friend pass away here a couple of weeks ago. He is a friend who I met down in Arizona while hunting javelina and we have been friends now for 25 years. He wasn't feeling well and had been throwing up, they found him in his kitchen on the floor. The autopsy came out that he passed away from sever dehydration. I never knew him to drink much water and he didn't weigh that much to begin with. He lived a very full 85 years. He went into the marines at the age of 17 and retired as a Lt. Colonel.

And while he wasn't a member here he did frequent the forums quite often just taking in the stories and help that was obtained here.

As for Umpqua Hunter I see him every now and then on FB. His new property was affected by one of the fires up that way but I believe that everything came out alright for him.


Veteran member
Jul 26, 2012
Jim, very sorry to hear of your friend. I believe you've made mention of him on the forum before. It's hard losing good friends, they're not easy to come by.
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Colorado Cowboy

Super Moderator
Jun 8, 2011
Dolores, Colorado
Jim, very sorry to hear of your friend. I believe you've made mention of him on the forum before. It's hard losing good friends, they're not easy to come by.
Especially hunting buddies. In the pas 5 years I have lost 3 hunting buddies that I have hunted with for 60 years. Can't be replaced, but thankfully I still have the memories and pictures. The real problem for me is finding someone to replace them. Most guys my age around here don't hunt anymore.
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Mar 28, 2016
Gypsum, Co
Hunting buddies are the tough ones. For some reason I just can't bring myself to actually realize that he is gone. He always seamed indestructible. He served in Korea, and Vietnam where he was a tunnel rat for a number of tours. He was wounded in both Korea and Vietnam but continued with his service. Listening to some of his stories about the duties that he performed were quite interesting to say the least. But like most veterans he very seldom talked about the conflicts that he was in.

Here he is back in 97 a couple of years after we met him.