Michigan Bear hunting adventure


Veteran member
Nov 30, 2014
That's a good looking boar you got pictures of!

With the rain you really need to freshen up the scent. If you have any fry grease throw a bunch out before light tomorrow when you rebait. If you don't have any go to the store tonight after your done hunting and buy the cheapest bottle of pull you can give along with liquid smoke. Dump the smoke in the oil shake it up really good, then throw it up in the trees all around the bait. I'd through more oil out ever morning before you get into the blind.

Stay after it Marcus, guy I was hunting with didn't see a bear at all too an hour before dark the second night, then he shot a dandy!

Good luck!
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Veteran member
Dec 13, 2011
It started drizzly about an hour ago getting a little more steady now supposed to do this all day today and tomorrow. I have been using imitation vanilla extract then seem to like it
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Veteran member
Nov 30, 2014
One thing to consider also is the amount of bait your placing now. Less is more, put to much in there's way more they can eat so there's no urgency for them to get to the bait. The good thing with the rain is it'll sour the acorns, so they won't be eating them by Tuesday
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Veteran member
Dec 13, 2011
Rain stopped about 7pm and stayed clear till 9pm. Enough time for us to get out the woods and not get wet st 815pm had a raccon family on the top of the bait pile around 745 but they couldn't get in it. The rain came down hard and stormed most the night looks to be a clear day today and more rain tomorrow. I work tomorrow so probably won't make it up here to hunt tomorrow night. Something moved a log and ate a little of the bait but no pictures on the camera of the coons or what got in the bait.


Veteran member
Dec 13, 2011
Sorry late night driving to my dad's then home. Was a quiet day. Sunny till 30 mins till dark then some light sprinkles. About noon a side by side or quad decided to haul butt up and down the two track near us. And about 745pm we heard some dogs and a few shoots off in the distance.
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Veteran member
Dec 13, 2011
Missed Tuesday due to work late cause of call ins and weather was bad.

Missed Wednesday cause we were dealing with the school since my youngest ( both my boys are high functioning autistic) was having issues at the school and we had meetings with the principal and super intendent. Family things always first.

Rushed out after work and I'm finally in the blind about 20 mins ago. Cameras showed a big bear came in monday night and Tuesday night about an hour or two after dark
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Veteran member
Dec 13, 2011
I added cooked meats around my bait today bbq chicken and leftover taco.

My dad forgot the 2 gallon bucket of chicken greese they were storing for me so I'll have to try the oil and liquid smoke idea

We been going at 830am and baiting then climbing in the blind and sitting till dark around 815pm or so definitely getting it out there early