Getting in shape for the fall/resolutions


Very Active Member
Jun 16, 2015
Good evening Eastmans members. I know there's another thread on "getting in shape for the hunt", but thought I would try something new pertaining to specifics on resolutions and 2017.

As some of you may know, I've spent the last 20 years of my professional life in the fitness industry. Having dabbled in western hunting over the past couple years, I've gained a significant interest in combining fitness and hunting. For that reason, I'm curious to know what everyone's New Year's resolutions are and how they relate to preparation for your 2017 fall hunts. So let's hear it, what are your resolutions related to fitness and/or hunting?

I challenge all of those that reply to actually write it down and hold yourself accountable to it throughout the year. I'll start, I'm looking to lose 4% body fat and gain 8 pounds of muscle by my September elk hunt.


Veteran member
Mar 9, 2014
I plan to get more lean, thus cutting 3-4% body fat over the next couple of months and adding a few lb of muscle.
As a former bodybuilder and power-lifter, I know how, but it gets tougher as we age.

I also want to push myself to finish the local 1/2 marathon in under 2hrs. It's the toughest 1/2 in the country due to elevation!
I know I can finish a 1/2 in under 2 hrs, but this one is on entirely different level!


Veteran member
Mar 18, 2011
Peachtree City, GA.
I plan on eating like a horse through winter and start getting serious in spring. But really glad that you're adding more muscle cause next season you can carry all my meat back to the truck. Haha. Just kidding...kinda.


Veteran member
Mar 18, 2011
Peachtree City, GA.
I know you can Bonecollector. I've seen your workouts that you've posted. I have no doubt! Dan can to. He proved it this season. As for me i can put em down if theyll give me an opportunity and I'm sure you would fit in well from what I can tell.


Very Active Member
Jun 16, 2015
I plan on eating like a horse through winter and start getting serious in spring. But really glad that you're adding more muscle cause next season you can carry all my meat back to the truck. Haha. Just kidding...kinda.
That was the whole point, enough muscle to be able to haul two of em out this year.


Veteran member
Mar 18, 2011
Peachtree City, GA.
Absolutely! I'm just wondering how long it's gonna take you??? You know with having to change pants every two or three minutes on the pack out...lmao. Hopefully we shoot them close to the truck. Haha


Veteran member
Dec 13, 2011
Im hoping to run a 10k this year and put on some more muscle. Got a workout bench for Christmas and getting that worked into my routine

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Active Member
Jan-March - strength phase, rehab some nagging injuries, Set PR's in the Big 3 (at least for the past 3-5 years)
April- Deload phase. Increase mobility, increase endurance, lower calories, heal
May-July - strength phase. Push all time PR's in the Big 3
July-August- 100% hiking endurance for hunting season.
Sept-Dec- Hunt my ass off, maintain some size/strength
2017- Repeat!


Very Active Member
Aug 11, 2016
Half marathon in June then back to the strength work and more mountain biking. And a goal of NOT getting the old lady pregnant lol


Veteran member
Oct 12, 2014
Woodland Park, Colorado
Damn, that's high! I'm pretty sure we've only got 1 that tall in WA. (Mt. Rainer), but I know you can't just hike up it. You need a mountaineering guide, fancy gear, and some good timing.
I don't know about the other western states with regards to access
and ease of getting to the base trailheads but Co has to be up there as one of rhe best if not the best state in the USA