Daughters first big game animal


Veteran member
Nov 30, 2014
My daughter turned 12 this year and when it came time to apply for tags she didn't want to put in for antelope or elk, just deer. Draw came and went and she didn't draw first choice and ended up with a general tag. Then volleyball season threw a wrench into the mix when her team went undefeated and went on to a weekend tournament, on opening weekend of deer season, then a few more monkey wrenches got thrown in for fun and she had the second Saturday of deer season to hunt, one day for a first time big game hunter. Decided after she was done with school Friday I'd have the truck packed and we were off. Small pack tent setup, and a few things organized at the truck right before dark, and we were ready to go for the next morning. After about 3 hours of glassing and hiking we turned up one doe. Off to another spot, but nothing, and another with the same results. Headed back to pick up camp about 2 in the afternoon and have a bite, then back to glassing by about 3 which turned up a buck. We got crazy close, but the sage was to high and she just couldn't get a clean shot and in the end happy she could make the tough choice of not shooting. Then the deer just started coming out from everywhere, after glassing several groups in different draws we found a group of 8 that had another buck with them. After we moved around them to get the wind and sun in our favor my daughter heart shot this buck at about 145 yards, and he went straight over backwards. Super happy she had the patience to hold out for the right shot. 4 hours later he was packed out and we were home, wish she would have had an extra day not to feel rushed, but damn glad I didn't just say screw it and not go because we only had one day to hunt. Side story, she used the same .243 to kill her first buck that her grandma used to kill her first buck 41 years ago.
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Veteran member
Jul 8, 2015
Super cool! My first deer was a 3 pointer from the ground with my bow on the last day of archery season in the evening. I remember it like it was yesterday!
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Eastmans' Staff / Moderator
Staff member
Feb 3, 2014
My daughter turned 12 this year and when it came tome to apply for tags she didn't want to put in for antelope or elk, just deer. Draw came and went and she didn't draw first choice and ended up with a general tag. Then volleyball season throw a wrench into the mix when her team went undefeated and went on to a weekend tournament, on opening weekend of deer season, then a few more monkey wrenches got thrown in for fun and she had the second Saturday of deer season to hunt, one day for a first time big game hunter. Decided after she was done with school Friday I'd have the truck packed and we were off. Small pack tent setup, and a few things organized at the truck right before dark, and we were ready to go for the next morning. After about 3 hours of glassing and hiking we turned up one doe. Off to another spot, but nothing, and another with the same results. Headed back to pick up camp about 2 in the afternoon and have a bite, then back to glassing by about 3 which turned up a buck. We got crazy close, but the sage was to high and she just couldn't get a clean shot and in the end happy she could make the tough choice of not shooting. Then the deer just started coming out from everywhere, after glassing several groups in different draws we found a group of 8 that had another buck with them. After we moved around them to get the wind and sun in our favor my daughter heart shot this buck at about 145 yards, and he went straight over backwards. Super happy she had the patience to hold out for the right shot. 4 hours later he was packed out and we were home, wish she would have had an extra day not to feel rushed, but damn glad I didn't just say screw it and not go because we only had one day too. Side story, she used the same .243 to kill her first buck that her grandma used to kill her first buck 41 years ago.
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That smile says it all!
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Yell Co AR Hunter

Very Active Member
Dec 10, 2015
Yell County Arkansas
Those kidos can have hectic lives glad you made the time. The use of the same rifle as her grandmother is a special connection. My son killed his first bow kill with the same bow I killed my first with 25 years + prior. That was very special for me.
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Muley bound

Active Member
Mar 12, 2013
That’s awesome! She’ll remember this forever. I remember my first deer like it was yesterday. Heck, I can remember all my hunts better than anything else in my life!
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Active Member
Apr 18, 2020
Good for her , congrats !! Glad to see that she recognizes muleys are god’s greatest creation 😃, elk and antelope are always on back burner 😝
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Veteran member
Oct 12, 2014
Woodland Park, Colorado
Congratulations!!!!! My friend in Casper's daughter drew her first this year also. Ferris tag. Tagged a real nice one.

Pretty cool story about the ammo!! Way to go!!!
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