2023 NM Draw

Yell Co AR Hunter

Very Active Member
Dec 10, 2015
Yell County Arkansas
Good luck is needed. When looking at the information as a nonresident one needs to understand how the 6% applies. Odds of getting a tag are slim to none in all units. The only sure bet is not to enter. You have to enter to draw a tag. One also needs to be aware of the very short seasons on most tags.


Active Member
Feb 28, 2016
phoenix, az.
Living in Phoenix I hunted N. M. many times for deer and elk. Till they changed the cap . Haven't put in since. Going to this year since I moved to South Carolina. If by slim chance I get drawn I get a western Vacation and I had a AZ. Elk tag last year so don't expect one this year. .Good luck with These Odds........................BOB!


Active Member
Aug 8, 2012
South Texas
Yep, I’ll be putting in for Deer, Elk and Antelope for me, my wife, both kids and my Dad. We’ll probably get at least one tag out of that. Pick some hunts and wait for the day of the “Red Dawn” sometime in April. Some lucky jerk is going to hit some primo tags, might as well be me!


Active Member
Feb 28, 2016
phoenix, az.
I am putting in for the best elk hunt , and a deer hunt with good odds that you have to work harder but I know it. The elk hunt is almost imposible to draw but did one like that in AZ. last year. Never know......................BOB!
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Yell Co AR Hunter

Very Active Member
Dec 10, 2015
Yell County Arkansas
I am heading to New Mexico this weekend. Might just try to ski down a hill. Where are some good areas to view elk or deer this time of year? Will be in the Taos, Santa Fe, and Las Vegas area. Plan to drive a couple pronghorn units I entered in the draw. Who knows I may draw a tag one of these years.
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Yell Co AR Hunter

Very Active Member
Dec 10, 2015
Yell County Arkansas
Was able to find some antelope on my trip out to NM. Got to ski for the first time at Ski Santa Fe. Figured out real quick I can ski a lot better than I can stop, but survived in one piece. If you think you are having a tough time just know it could be worse.