2022 CA Blacktail Buck


Active Member
Feb 23, 2011
Its been so hot in Northern A zone that I knew the hunting was going to be tough. I was able to locate this buck near my favorite ridge top. I was moving glassing points about 10 yards at a time when this buck walked right into view. He caught me on my feet with no rest. My sticks were not set up and the closest tree was 10 yards away. I knew if I made a move for a rest he would bolt so I shouldered my rifle again but was still wobbly. He was just under 150 yrds and I was off hand. I locked my legs and held my breath and was able to steady myself long enough to let one fly. He dropped and rolled 15 yards. Went through the neck then through the ham since I was above him.

It was early in the morning so I took my time getting set up for the knife work. I quartered and packed him out before it got too hot. Took me about 2 hours to make it back to camp. This was another great hunt for me that I enjoyed so much. I enjoy the whole experience and look forward to sleeping out under the stars in deer camp every season.

Already made a great meal for my family with this super healthy wild meat. My twin girls had 3 servings.

Wish everyone the best on there hunts this season.
