2020 Tax return


Mar 28, 2016
Gypsum, Co
That's what I loved about when I was working under a guaranteed raise every 6 or so months plus a cost of living increase. One would put you into a higher tax bracket by just a few dollars and you would end up loosing money.


Veteran member
Apr 23, 2016
I am all for paying taxes but I am disgusted by the waste of this nation.

I am sure taxes are gonna skyrocket under china joes policies.

don't see how they can't with all the vote bribes going out to the losers of this nation!

these days we might all just be better off quitting and becoming welfarers. really pisses me off to see the lazy and stupid living higher then I do with their handouts and not even having the decency to say thank you but instead demand more!! :mad:

I see part of the new stimulus package include paying fed workers 1400 a month not to work.
then you got the raise the minimum wage fools that are gonna drag every working americans standard of living down when the inflation from such idiotic policies hit.

I see this as a slap in the face . but hey they take a bit of the sting out of it by bribing us with one time 1400. lol
instead of government handouts we should just open everything up and let everyone live or die by their own merits .

can't pay the rent out you go!!!!!!!!!!!!
if someone feels pity for your plight , they are welcome to help with THEIR money and kudos to those who do! charity is for family ,friends and the church to provide . the more government gets involved , the more it kills those three , which of coarse is the very reason government provides charity.
not from compassion but as a means to control and enslave! I will however acknowledge that the fault lies less on the government then on the population. a government is reflected by what it's citizens are . we are a nation / world of thoughtless , selfish ,greedy , controlling , lazy, stupid, evil people. that is human nature .
some will not agree but if this was not so ,we wouldn't be looking to government to solve our problems and just do it ourselves!!!!

our government has forgotten IT IS NOT THEIR MONEY !

it is not the purpose of government to provide happiness!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the first and foremost purpose of government is to protect those who have from those who would steal it.
our government is now the very thing it was created to oppose.

how's that for a rant ?? :ROFLMAO:
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Mar 28, 2016
Gypsum, Co
On Kids points, when I was working I worked for the phone company.

I was also in and out of Hud, and Section 8 housing all the time. The thing that got me was all the new stuff that these people had. Phones, computers, TV's, you name it. They were also getting the fastest DSL lines that were available for their kids. Now I know that some of these items they may of worked for and purchased with the money that they earned but they were living a lot better than a lot of people that actually worked for a living without the government.


Veteran member
Jul 8, 2015
A lot of people play the system their entire lives. From what I have noticed, it is typically a learned trait passed down from generation to generation.

Makes me sick.
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Veteran member
Apr 23, 2016
A lot of people play the system their entire lives. From what I have noticed, it is typically a learned trait passed down from generation to generation.

Makes me sick.
it's not their fault. they are just poor victims the minimum wage is to low .
$15 an hour will solve it all.


Veteran member
Nov 29, 2011
Feel free to quit your job etc.... and live off the gov't....

I highly doubt any of you would prefer that over your current state....


Veteran member
Jun 4, 2011
north idaho
if you really want to save your tax dollars, cut the deptartment of defenses budget. I bet they waste more tax dollars than welfare is allocated. IF you want to save money, go to the biggest wasters not the little popular ones.

with the millions i have given the govt, i hope a couple of bombs have my busines's name on them. The war on terror has definatly been a sink hole for tax dollars.


Veteran member
Apr 23, 2016
if you really want to save your tax dollars, cut the deptartment of defenses budget. I bet they waste more tax dollars than welfare is allocated. IF you want to save money, go to the biggest wasters not the little popular ones.

with the millions i have given the govt, i hope a couple of bombs have my busines's name on them. The war on terror has definatly been a sink hole for tax dollars.
I would say cut all of the waste . not just one here and one there .yes defense has much waste. there is not a single government agency that couldn't be cut by at least 50% and would still be oversized.

smartest thing would be to put an end these damn stimulus packages that give silly things such as millions to pakistan for "gender studies".
all one need to do is drop trow ,look for an innie or an outy and the study is complete!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!