Vortex Binos


New Member
May 2, 2011
North Dakota
I have used a pair of 10x42 Diamondbacks for a few years now. I found several "blemished" pairs for sale on CameralandNY that only had some minor color issues externally so I could not pass up the super deal they had on them.

After using them and comparing them to a few other companies products I feel they are pretty decent middle of the road glass. I have compared them side by side with Nikons EDG's, Leicas, and Swaros. Myself and hunting partners agreed that the Diamondbacks were every bit as good as the EDG's but can't compare to either the Leicas or the Swaros. Using them at distances under a half mile with reasonable amount of light they fit the bill very nicely and provide a crisp, clear image. It becomes very apparant that they are cheaper glass when using them in low light conditions and at extreme distances when comparing to the two high end pieces of glass mentioned above.

With that being said, I don't regret purchasing them as they fit my budget at the time and I certainly feel I have received my money's worth from them. I did have one warranty repair when an eye cup came loose and Vortex repaired them in very short order with no charge to me other than shipping one way.

As my budget increases I am looking much more at the Swaro 10x42 EL's for my next set of binocs.



Active Member
Mar 11, 2011
good bin's. lots of info already posted about them if you scroll down this topic page.


Feb 25, 2011
Base of the Bighorns
I was really impressed with the Vipers for that price range but not so much with the Diamondbacks. If I didn't have a pair of Zeiss I would be using some Vortex Razors for sure.


Aug 31, 2011
I looked at them at cabelas the other night. Yeah the diamondbacks were alright, but when you get to the talons or the other models with HD glass they are really impressive! Now i'm not sure if i want to go with the Talons or send the extra money on the Razors.

Bitterroot Bulls

Veteran member
Apr 25, 2011
Vortex Razor HD binoculars compete with just about anything on the market. The Talon HDs are another version of the Zen Ray ED2, and so are also great binoculars. Vortex Diamondbacks are a super value and far outperform their price point.

The Vipers don't offer anything over the Talon HDs, IMO, and the Talons are cheaper than the Vipers.


New Member
Oct 3, 2011
I just got a Pair of 10x42 Razor HD's and wow! I went in looking at the Sawvs and they guy at BassPro handed me a set of the Razor HD's. He told me to bring them back within 30 days if I did not like them. So I went home and did some reading about them and went back and bought a pair. Took them out that weekend with a friend to help him do some scouting, he had the $2500+ Swavs and he said if he ever had to get another pair It would be the Razors and he is thinking about selling the Swavs and buying a pair of Razor HD's and use the extra money on some other gear he wants.

Slim Pickins

New Member
Feb 24, 2012
Ca. Sierra foothills region
I have a pair of diamondback 10x42s and am happy with them although I have to admit I was very disappointed to find the little golden 'Made In China' sticker on the bottom when I got them home. Despite that fact they have been good for the money. One year I lost the
rubber lens cap while positioning for a shot on a deer. I left that cap at 10000 feet. I called Vortex to see if I could buy another one and they sent me a replacement at no charge. I will give my business to them again. I want the razors.


Veteran member
Nov 29, 2011
I want a pair of 15x56 Kaibab's!

I wish Pentax would come out with a dcf-sp 15x56 or dcf-ed 15x56

Bitterroot Bulls

Veteran member
Apr 25, 2011
I want a pair of 15x56 Kaibab's!

I wish Pentax would come out with a dcf-sp 15x56 or dcf-ed 15x56

If you like the dcf-sp, you should check out a Zen Ray ED3. Much better CA control, and a much wider FOV. Similar price.

If you want SP performance in a 15x binocular you should take a look at the Minox 15X56 BL. I want to get one myself.

Not quite a Kaibab, but not that far behind either.


Veteran member
Nov 29, 2011

If you like the dcf-sp, you should check out a Zen Ray ED3. Much better CA control, and a much wider FOV. Similar price.

If you want SP performance in a 15x binocular you should take a look at the Minox 15X56 BL. I want to get one myself.

Not quite a Kaibab, but not that far behind either.
thanks for the mention, not familiar with zen ray... i have some sp10x43, really like them, at the time for the money, of everything I compared to, were the best.

I'll take a look at both those zen ray and minox, if I do get a 15x56 I'd probably want to step up a little in quality. If Kaibabs were under $1000 it would be much easier to justify, when I bought my SP's for $500 or so I thought I was kinda nuts after hunting with $100 binos most of my life... now I tell everyone to spend as much as they can/more than they want to/plan to, ie spend 500, not 200... but of course there's only so much $$ in a wallet...

thinking about all these toys makes me want to hunt more!

Bitterroot Bulls

Veteran member
Apr 25, 2011

Cameralandny has demo Minox 15X56 for $599. Don't buy the last one though. It's mine, after I get some other stuff I have my eye on.

On bonus about the Minox is it is much lighter than other 15x roof prism bins.


Veteran member
Nov 29, 2011

Cameralandny has demo Minox 15X56 for $599. Don't buy the last one though. It's mine, after I get some other stuff I have my eye on.

On bonus about the Minox is it is much lighter than other 15x roof prism bins.
I doubt I'll be buying any 15x for at least a year...

although checking out vortex, maybe some diamondback 10x28, I have pentax dcf-lv 9x28, which are nice, esp compared to $35 compacts... my dad has kinda stolen them... was gonna get a 2nd pair, we'll see.