Region H WY deer 2024??


New Member
Jan 1, 2018
Hey guys..its application season! Hope everyone is having good luck. I know Region H in WY was hit hard in 2023 with winterkill. My son and I have the points to draw...does anyone have an opinion or advice for us to try and apply this year 2024?? This would be a diy hunt...I've heard people comment saying it could be 4-5 years before the herd recovers and maybe even a decade and its all weather dependent. We've never hunted out in region H but I wonder how hard it would be to find a decent 4pt buck?? Thanks for any input!
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Veteran member
Feb 21, 2012
Two Harbors, Minnesota
I have hunted H 5 times as a NR since 2009. Twice guided, and 3x DIY. I saw quite a few bucks, and shot some decent 4x4s, but had decided that I made my last hunt there after the last trip in, mostly due to my age (71), and the increasing impact of competition with other hunters. I spent 6 weeks hiking and hunting/fishing a bit outside of H Area ( G), in 2022/23, and that winter devastated the deer and antelope. WY fish & game have been doing a good job on addressing the mule deer decline, but there isn't much they can do about the weather.
I suspect that there will be a big adjustment to some of the points needed to draw in other areas, as NR applicants shift their sights, and if you do apply and expect to draw a tag, then look at areas where you have a couple extra points that it took to draw last year. I am in that boat for an antelope tag that I will be applying for soon. Good luck
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Alan Leone

New Member
Jan 19, 2021
The entire western herd really git hit hard over that winter. I traveled in spring of 2923 and the number if antelope I saw lying dead along I80 was sad. The deer didn't do much better. If you can wait a few seasons it might be better. Hopefully the deer rebound but it'll take 3 to 5 years


Eastmans' Staff / Moderator
Staff member
Feb 3, 2014
The entire western herd really git hit hard over that winter. I traveled in spring of 2923 and the number if antelope I saw lying dead along I80 was sad. The deer didn't do much better. If you can wait a few seasons it might be better. Hopefully the deer rebound but it'll take 3 to 5 years
Yes, it is going to take a few years for sure. The sad part is all the point banking that guys did to get to the point they could actually get out and Hunt it.