2024 NR tags

Muley bound

Active Member
Mar 12, 2013
I wasn’t planning on trying to get a general tag this year for Idaho, but I decided to log onto just to see what was available. I got on and it said that there were 29,000 people in line in front of me!!!! Wow! Just curious did anybody else get or try to get a tag?


Staff member
Feb 22, 2011
Reno Nv
That’s crazy. We used to be able to buy ID otc elk tags and there were always more left. If we filled our elk tags we would buy deer tags. Insane how things have changed.


Jun 23, 2015
You were better than my buddy, he ended up 36,000 and was able to get a whitetail tag. He said there was 55,000+ people logged in this year.

Muley bound

Active Member
Mar 12, 2013
For sure. The frustrating part of it, for me, is the way idaho has it right now. It’s one thing to wait online for a tag for me, but how do I do it for my kids? I think it would almost be impossible to be able to get us all a tag for the same unit!


Very Active Member
Jun 22, 2014
nw oregon
Muley Bound nailed it, Idaho needs to fix that. no way to have a group planned hunting trip. I wish that they would just do a NR draw for the OTC type tags.


Jun 23, 2015
You two aren’t the only ones I’ve heard that complaint from. I get it. I wish they would’ve broke the deer into zones like the elk instead of individual units like they did. The problem with doing a draw is, at some point someone will think they need to add points to it. I don’t want points for any draw in this state because after watching and participating in the points creep in other states, it’s not worth it in my opinion. There are two things I think would help. One is to raise tag prices, I don’t like it any more than than the next guy, but at some point that should weed out some because we have deer units that shouldn’t be selling out because they are not good enough, in my opinion 😉, to justify the tag cost. The second option would be to if you applied for a controlled hunt you couldn’t purchase an OTC tag when they first became available. This would mean moving the buy date for tags to after the controlled hunt application period.

Muley bound

Active Member
Mar 12, 2013
I agree on that end for sure. I too would be against going to points. The way the control hunt goes now, it’s as fair as it’ll get. I don’t disagree with a price increase either, as long as it not $1,000 for a deer tag. It would definitely be nice to be able as a group, me and my kids , be able to plan a trip with the same unit tags.


Veteran member
Apr 23, 2016
I think it is just going to get worse as the high point guys in other states burn up their points and know they are old enough they won’t get the chance again.
but it will get better for the few youngsters who keep hunting, as old folks die out. for the most part, the newer generations don't have the passion to hunt that we had. much easier (and cheaper;)) to live in parents basement, smoke weed and play online.
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Jun 23, 2015
but it will get better for the few youngsters who keep hunting, as old folks die out. for the most part, the newer generations don't have the passion to hunt that we had. much easier (and cheaper;)) to live in parents basement, smoke weed and play online.
Do they even leave the basement or do their parents bring them everything? That had never seemed appealing to me.
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Veteran member
Jun 4, 2011
north idaho
What is funny or wierd or both, But there is always tags available in the fall. I bought a second elk tag again.


Jun 23, 2015
What is funny or wierd or both, But there is always tags available in the fall. I bought a second elk tag again.
I’m wondering if fish and game is over selling tags because there was non-resident zones sold out, but as a resident you could still buy a tag.


Veteran member
Jun 4, 2011
north idaho
I personally think guys are buying idaho tags and if they don't draw a better tag in another state they hunt idaho. but if they draw a better tag in another state, they give the tag back.
a couple of years ago, i could kill a bull walk into the grocery store and buy another tag. This year on the day residents could buy a non resident tag, i walked into the grocery store and bought a second tag and walked out in 5 minutes. yes, they sell out on Dec 1st, but they don't stay sold out.


Veteran member
Mar 24, 2012
SE Idaho
I wasn’t planning on trying to get a general tag this year for Idaho, but I decided to log onto just to see what was available. I got on and it said that there were 29,000 people in line in front of me!!!! Wow! Just curious did anybody else get or try to get a tag?
Idaho's system is a joke, even for us residents. We have several first come first serve quota zones for elk. For some reason a few of them have their own sell date, while most of them are the same day. It's a damn nightmare and has lead to me hunting non quota units. I refuse to wait several hours in hopes of a tag.