10K Giveaway!


Staff member
Hey Guys and Gals,
The title isn't wrong... we at Wingmen are doing a 10K Giveaway and here are the details...

1. First Wingmen property (SoMe account, YouTube video, post, etc.) that hits 10K anything and we do a drawing for a box of Avian X mallard floaters.
2. For every property that does another 10K after that, we will be giving away more free gear... turkey vests, duck and goose calls, clothing, YETI Ramblers, you name it we've got it!

So let's make this happen! Share with your friends, spread the word and lets get those numbers up!

Good luck out there and Happy Thanksgiving!


Eastmans' Staff / Moderator
Staff member
Feb 3, 2014
We broke 10K and then some on the Sitka video review. We will be announcing a winner this week after Todd gets un buried from print week.