Search results

  1. Ghostrider6

    Wyoming Unit 73

    I just got back from hunting area 32. I stayed in Casper and spoke to some folks who hunted 73. They all said the same thing. Very few antelope this year.
  2. Ghostrider6

    Wyoming Antelope 73 or 32

    After more research and talking to the biologist in Casper, we applied for and was drawn for 32. Thanks for everyone’s input and comments. Hope you all have a great season.
  3. Ghostrider6

    Wyoming Antelope 73 or 32

    If I read the prelim quotas correctly, 73-1 has a quota of 1200. Is this normal for that area?
  4. Ghostrider6

    Wyoming Antelope 73 or 32

    I really appreciate everyone's comments. After reading some more information here, TagHub, and elsewhere, how is it looking for areas 69, 71, and 72?
  5. Ghostrider6

    Wyoming Antelope 73 or 32

    Thank you.
  6. Ghostrider6

    Wyoming Antelope 73 or 32

    Thank you.
  7. Ghostrider6

    Wyoming Antelope 73 or 32

    That is what I was concerned about. I have read the same on several different forums. Thanks for the information.
  8. Ghostrider6

    Wyoming Antelope 73 or 32

    Agreed. I know it will be March or so before any good updates out of WFG and other sources. Just wanted to get some input.
  9. Ghostrider6

    Wyoming Antelope 73 or 32

    Evening all. A buddy and I are going to put in for an antelope hunt this year in Wyoming. It will be his first antelope hunt. We are going to put in for the special draw and we have 5 points averaged between us. I am looking at either 73 or 32 as my research so far shows that we have good odds...
  10. Ghostrider6

    Taxidermist & Meat Processor near Casper

    Thank you all for the replies.
  11. Ghostrider6

    Taxidermist & Meat Processor near Casper

    After a long hiatus, I am planning a pronghorn hunt this October with a buddy. Hoping to draw an area near Casper. Who do you guys recommend for a taxidermist and processor in Casper if we are successful?
  12. Ghostrider6


  13. Ghostrider6

    New Guy

  14. Ghostrider6

    Hey Guys!

  15. Ghostrider6

    Shoot or Pass?

    For me, I would take him.
  16. Ghostrider6

    2014 Wyoming Antelope

    Hello, Haven't been on here for awhile due to work, missions, etc but I just got my antelope mount back from the taxidermist. It was a fantastic DIY hunt on public land and probably one of the most challenging and fun hunts I have ever experienced. Also wanted to say thanks to everyone that...
  17. Ghostrider6

    Wyoming Antelope Area 50 and Pass Creek Basin HMA

    Hey folks, Still doing research on possible hunt areas this year for antelope. Thanks to those who have given me a lot of information and insight into Wyoming antelope hunting. Anyone have any experience or information about Wyoming antelope hunting area 50 and/or the Pass Creek Basin HMA...
  18. Ghostrider6

    Spiegelberg Ranch HMA

    Anyone familiar with the Spiegelberg Ranch HMA in Wyoming?
  19. Ghostrider6

    Wyoming Winter and Antelope

    A question for those who are familiar with the weather being experienced in Wyoming..... What will the affects of this year's weather have on the antelope population? Read in several places that there was a winter kill last year. Is this a concern for this year as well? Thanks GR6
  20. Ghostrider6

    Affects of Weather on Wyoming Antelope

    A question for those who are familiar with the weather being experienced in Wyoming..... What will the affects of this year's weather have on the antelope population? Read in several places that there was a winter kill last year. Is this a concern for this year as well? Thanks GR6