My letter to ODFW.


New Member
Nov 19, 2012
April 15, 2020

Curt Melcher
Director, ODFW

Director Melcher,

I was pleased to see that ODFW is reducing tags for some elk and deer hunts in Eastern Oregon. However, as I went through the list I was again disappointed to see that nothing is being done in regards to the deer and elk herds in the Minam unit. There are other herds that are clearly not meeting population and/or bull/cow ratio objectives. Starkey deer and Snake River elk are just a few examples I noticed.

I have written letters to ODFW, the Commission, attended meetings, etc. for years, trying to bring light to the issue with the herds in the Minam unit. I doubt you remember, but you even responded with a few questions to my concerns at a public meeting at the Clackamas office some years ago. To be clear, this is nothing personal with you, but you’re the leader of ODFW now, so these type of letters go with the job.

So, assuming you are not aware of the numbers occurring in the Minam unit since you have a lot of responsibilities, here they are. The population management objective for deer in the Minam is 7,000 deer. At last count in 2019 the population has now dropped to 1,700. The buck/doe objective is 25/100. That objective has not been achieved since 2003. That is 17 years. For 17 years ODFW has made no effort to meet that objective. No tag reductions, no temporary antler point restriction, shortened seasons, nothing.

The Minam unit elk herd has not achieved the bull/cow ratio objective of 20 bulls per 100 cows for at least five years according to ODFW data recently published. I did not bother looking into past years. The last two years have bull ratios of 9 and 10 bulls per 100 cows. That is half the objective. Again, there has been no management effort to achieve the objective through tag reductions, temporary antler point restrictions, etc.

I would appreciate a response to my simple question. Why? Why is nothing being done? Why are we spending state resources to count animals and gather data, when nothing is done with the data? Even more, I would appreciate that the Minam herds were managed to attempt to achieve the objectives the citizens of Oregon have established in the Management Plans for each species.

I really do not expect a response, nor do I have any hope that anything will be done. I recognize that I am likely in the minority of Oregon hunters who are concerned about these things. I used to have a small bit of hope that things could be improved despite my frustrations. This latest move, that once again ignores the publics wildlife in the Minam unit has honestly crushed any glimmer of hope I once had. After 17 years I give up.
For 22 years I have been hunting other states for deer and elk. The differences in management are stark. I will no longer compete for tags in Eastern Oregon with other Oregon hunters. I will use my limited time and funds to take trips to other states with my two children, both aspiring hunters.

Best of luck with the difficulty of managing Oregon’s wildlife. I believe the citizens of Oregon deserve a better effort. Perhaps something positive will come out of the ideas thrown about on the recent Big Game Forum.


Tony Pranger


New Member
Nov 19, 2012
Sort of. He replied right away saying he’d try to take a look at it. But that was it. No response once again to what I feel are legitimate concerns. In a weird way, the lack of response actually made me feel a little better about the bitter decision to quit mule deer hunting in my home state.

ore hunter

Very Active Member
Jul 25, 2014
there is without a doubt a stark difference between oregon and a managed rocky mtn state,i have hunted out of state in several states and its sad but my home state of oregon is really only a camping trip in comparison to others,,i agree with your letter for most of the s e corner of oregon as being similar to the minam unit.


Active Member
Mar 18, 2014
We hunt the Minam every.couple years for rifle elk. The deer herd is in bad shape. I would have liked to see the deer herd in there 30 years ago. The amount of elk we saw this year during spring bear was pathetic also. We ususlly see hundreds migrating back up. This year we saw 10s.



Very Active Member
Feb 28, 2011
LaPorte, IN
Was foolish enough to buy into the Oregon system as a NR years ago in the hopes of a Big 3 elk hunt. That finally happened last year after a 22 year wait. This year I am making a major play to burn both my deer & lope points in an effort to exit their system permanently. Very little competition in the high point pools, but only one NR tag in each hunt I picked. Even at 22 years waiting the hunts don't sound great, but I drew nothing elsewhere this year, so this would be a good time to use the points, save $172/year donation and escape. Tired of funding outfitter welfare, among other things.
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Timber Stalker

Active Member
May 22, 2020
I’ve narrowed my hunting in oregon to a select few square miles in general season areas. I do apply for controlled deer and elk tags but really don’t get to excited if I draw.


Jun 23, 2015
Nice letter, to bad it won’t help. I’m one of those lovely NR playing the point system and trying to get out of it now, but doesn’t look like it’s possible. Since I do a lot of bird hunting over there I’ll keep buying points and hopefully be able to utilize them at some point.


New Member
Nov 19, 2012
So just some follow up to be fair to ODFW. I did receive a lengthy email from Tom Thornton, Big Game Director, yesterday. He explained that the published Buck/Bull ratios are just observed numbers. They apparently don't publish their modeled ratios. So the Minam has in fact been meeting or exceeding ratios pretty much this whole time. OK, fine. If that is the case ODFW is doing a horrible job of marketing their product to out of state hunters who look at such things when deciding where to apply. I can only assume that just about every unit in Oregon must be meeting ratio objectives if that is their policy?? Who knew things were so rosy.

They are going to propose dropping buck tags by 150 tags in 2021. The rest of the email I won't relay, other than I was told several times dropping bull/buck tags will do nothing to increase populations.

So I will give them credit for finally doing "something", but it is too little to late in my opinion. I'm done. Thankful to be headed to Wyoming and Montana this fall!

Timber Stalker

Active Member
May 22, 2020
Responses like that are why I started buying points in other states several years ago. I used to write letters and go to meetings and my confidence level in how Oregon management works faded very quickly. It’s sad that with so much potential it’s has gone in the toilet and will never get better.


Very Active Member
Feb 28, 2011
LaPorte, IN
Well I came up snake eyes on both my Warner lope & deer hunts. The lope hunt may have been decent had I known the unit better. I saw two shooters in the high 70’s but gobs of dinks. Not worth the PTO days. The deer hunt was the equivalent of an OTC hunt in any other state. More detailed reviews on Bowsite & ifish. Just ecstatic I am out of the Oregon NR game forever.

ore hunter

Very Active Member
Jul 25, 2014
i wasted my time looking for a week for elk out in s e high desert #2,,waste of time just taking the gun for a walk,

ore hunter

Very Active Member
Jul 25, 2014
there are some out there ,but its a right time,right place,luck deal////after hunting in many of the other states over the years,its really depressing to see how messed up oregon is,,,just got back from a idaho muzz hunt for elk,,seen a couple hundred over a week and bagged a 5x4 bull//got a decent 3x3 buck in wyoming too.hard to get excited about oregon.
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New Member
Jan 18, 2021
The only thing ODFW (Oregon Decimating Our Fish And Wildlife) is interested in is how much more money they can get from sportsman's pockets to their own! If you're not yet convinced of that look no further than them converting all of Eastern Oregon bowhunting to controlled hunt. Eight more dollars from every bowhunter!
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Timber Stalker

Active Member
May 22, 2020
I don’t think that change will gain much revenue, Most people apply for the most sought after tags and use general bow season as back up hunt. Nearly everyone I know does that, especially rifle hunters.

Micah S

Active Member
Jan 11, 2016
Sandy Oregon
Oregon has done a piss poor job of management. When you have problems with predators, habitat degradation and poaching it compounds the problem. I still do well in Oregon but the deer and elk are in trouble.

One bright spot is if you want to kill a fall bear you can get 2 tags a year and it's a great bear hunt.

Timber Stalker

Active Member
May 22, 2020
IMO if you can consistently kill deer and elk in Oregon you are one hell of a hunter. It’s getting very tough to do these days.